One week after the nurseries reopened, there is a first case of positivity from one of the children.
He was registered in a facility in Pergine Valsugana, in Trentino, as announced by Mayor Roberto Oss Emer: the little boy, he specified, tested positive after a check-up at the hospital.
“We will have to quarantine and swab another 5 children who are inserted into the same section of the nursery that they had attended without any symptoms until Friday,” adds the mayor, specifying that “the other sections, considering the protocols implemented since then”. from the first day of opening they have not had contact and no health problems stand out ”.
Two educators are also isolated.
IN THE CREMONY – Meanwhile, a fever triggered the anti-Covid protocol also in a school in Crema, in the province of Cremona, with the child’s entire class at home, a few days after the first ring.
The parents, reconstructed by the province of Cremona, measured his fever before leaving the house, as required by health regulations, and informed the school that their son had a temperature above 37.5ºC.
It is not yet known if he has contracted the coronavirus but pending the result of the swab in the minor, the entire section will have to stay at home as a precaution.
If the swab is negative, everyone will immediately return to class, if it is positive it will take much longer.
(Unioneonline / D)