The infection was found in Pergine Valsugana after a check-up at the hospital.
The infection was found in Pergine Valsugana after a check-up at the hospital.
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A week after the daycare centers in Trentino reopened, a child tested positive for the coronavirus at a facility in Pergine Valsugana. Mayor Roberto Oss Emer communicates this in his social profile, specifying that the child tested positive after a check-up at the hospital. “We will have to quarantine and swab another 5 children who are inserted into the same section of the nursery that they had attended without any symptoms until Friday,” adds the mayor, specifying that “the other sections, considering the protocols implemented since then”. Since the first day of opening they have not had contact and there are no health problems.
In Cream the whole class at home
A child’s fever triggered the anti-Covid protocol in a school in Crema (Cremona), with the child’s entire class at home, a few days after the first bell, as required by health regulations. The province of Cremona reports it today. The parents correctly reported the temperature before leaving home to the Iside Franceschini municipal preschool. Nothing serious for the child, only a few lines of fever, but now the parents will have to notify the pediatrician and the family doctor, and pending the result of the swab in the minor, the entire section should stay at home as a precaution. If the swab is negative, everyone will immediately return to class, if it is positive it will take much longer.