Journalist attacked, this is what triggered Grillo’s reaction – L’


Yesterday we told you aboutaggression that the journalist Francesco Selvi, who collaborates with the Mediaset program “Dritto e Rovescio”, suffered by Beppe Grillo. The founder of Movimento 5 Stelle was on the beach of Marina di Bibbona (Livorno), when around ten in the morning Selvi approached him, wanting to ask him some questions. Nothing but your job. “After I qualified – says the journalist – I asked Mr. Grillo some political questions with my cell phone on. Cricket first tried to take my cell phone, then after having me sprayed about him disinfectant liquid He pushed me hard, making me fall from a ladder that connects the establishment with the beach ”.

Serious episode, condemned by almost everyone, from the political world to the information world. Selvi went to the hospital, where they bandaged him (see photo) and gave him a five-day forecast for a sprain trauma to the knee. Sure, it could have been worse, but that’s not what matters. The most serious thing, in fact, is that this violent reaction was unleashed while the journalist was doing his job, asking questions of a public figure who, a few years ago, founded a political movement that now governs the country.

One wonders what could have caused such violence. Cricket was perhaps particularly nervous? It can help us to know what the reporter asked. As Selvi tells the Tirreno, he was asking him some political questions. In particular, about the celebration of Conte’s government after the elections and whether Grillo intends to make the vaccine for the coronavirus (when there will be). Also, he asked something about “without mask“The people who, even recently, took to the streets to challenge the limitations imposed by the government to stop the contagion of Covid-19. Perhaps it is this insistence on the virus that has drawn the wrath of the Genoese comedian?
