Emergency income: When to request the third monthly salary? He asks what many potential beneficiaries have been doing since the decree of August n. 104/2020 extended the emergency admission for a third month after the first two provided by the relaunch decree.
The request to obtain the third month of emergency income is possible, according to the new legislation in force, before October 15, 2020. The date from which it will be possible to request it and in this regard is not yet available INPS does not give indications: only a message remains that announce news in the reserved area of the site.
We remind you that the emergency income introduced by the Relaunch decree (converted into Law No. 77/2020) for the first two months of June and July, ranges from a minimum of 400 euros up to a maximum of 840 euros if you are in the presence of a disabled relative.

Emergency income: 3rd monthly payment request blocked
To date, the emergency income demand for the third month’s salary is blocked based on what is read in the INPS reserved area. When accessing the service reserved for emergency income on the INPS website with SPID, PIN, CIE or CNS through which it was possible to request the previous monthly payments, you will find the following message from September 1:
“The deadline for the transmission of new REM applications in accordance with article 23 of Legislative Decree No. 104/2020 will be announced on the Institute’s website during the current month of September.”
Article 23 of the August decree establishes the deadline for sending applications set in October 15th. Many social media users wonder when they will be able to claim their third month of emergency income, but apparently there is still a wait, although hopefully no later than mid-September.

Emergency income: third month wage requirements and incompatibility
me requirements to obtain emergency income remain such also for the third monthly salary. In detail, note that they can get emergency income:
- residence in Italy;
- Tangible fixed assets, with reference to 2019, less than 10,000 euros. This threshold is increased by another 5,000 euros for each member of the family unit other than the applicant, up to a maximum of 20,000 euros;
- have a household income in May 2020 that is less than the amount of the emergency income itself;
- ISEE not exceeding 15,000 euros.
As specified by the INPS in the second part of the message that we have indicated above, there are cases of incompatibility emergency income with the presence, in the family unit, of one or more members who have, at the time of filing the application, labor relations whose total gross salary is higher than the maximum threshold of family income, identified in relation to the composition of the nucleus.
INPS specification:
“In the case of workers placed in layoffs ordinary or in derogation or for which the intervention of the FIS has been requested, the check of the requirement is made based on the theoretical remuneration of the worker, which is deduced from the complaints of the company “.
The requirements and incompatibilities provided for the emergency income by the Relaunch decree remain in force, such as having received the 600 and 1,000 euro bonuses, as well as obviously the citizens’ income.