Job entries with quick call: fear of moving, 5-year restriction, non-existent positions in online instances Disappointment of teachers


Enrollments in the position with fast call flop: very few (10,000), in relation to the number of free places, the professors who have applied. Fewer still are those who have found a place. It is about 2,500 teachers with 60,000 free places.

According to Minister Azzolina, the “fear of moving” due to the Coronavirus emergency is holding back teachers from adhering to this new form of hiring. On the other hand, there is no mention of the other rule that could have weighed much more than the emergency, which is the five-year restriction at the recruiting center, which weighs on new hires for 2019/20.

But neither should the technical aspects be underestimated, which Orizzonte Scuola pointed out, which is the mismatch between the vacancies indicated by the USR and the availabilities present in online instances. A sign that it may take a few more days to get it right.

This is what our readers say

“I am a teacher who participated in the quick calls for the ac24 and ac25 cdc mysteriously disappeared from the Lombardy region and from all other regions except Calabria at least according to the ministry’s website. After several attempts, I managed to enter the instances to apply and I managed to fill it out for the Emilia Romagna region, which resulted in 4 provinces. In instances between
the other also Tuscany with 3 provinces, Umbria with 2, etc. The results came out and my competition classes disappeared again. You are not recruited for these competition classes. It seems like an absurd joke to me! I wonder if he can post all this and what can be done about it. “

“Primary teacher I made the process of the quick call for the joint EEEE primary school in Terni of GAE. I successfully resent the request and received the correct automatic resend message from MIUR. On Friday September 4 on the USR Umbria website there are 0 places for the EEEE competition class and 0 candidates. And what happened to my question? “

“I am a precarious primary school teacher and, curiously, On Line Instances made me fill out the request for the quick call, in Emilia Romagna. I specify that it gave me the opportunity to apply also in the province of Terni.

Indeed, on the RSU websites there were no places available for the elementary school commonplace (I don’t understand why, since the decree specifies each order and grade), but if the system makes available to me the provinces in which that there are places for my competition class, I am in awe but I take the opportunity …
Well … There were no places for the primaries in any province of Emilia Romagna, despite the receipt of the submitted application.
At this point I wonder: but can something that works properly be found in this chaos of “things” to do exclusively online and in which you no longer know whether to trust or not?

I spent restless days waiting (leaving home for 5 years, even if you consciously choose it, is always a good question mark …), only to see everything fade away because of a mistake that is not yours.

I think a little more respect for others would not hurt in these cases.
Thank you for giving me the opportunity to “vent” … “

“I think we have to applaud the MI technicians for the flagrant technical problem committed against the kindergarten and elementary teachers who joined the Call Veloce! Let me explain, in Istanze online from August 29 to September 2 there was FAMOUS FAST CALL or FAST CALL as you prefer. Well, many primary and early childhood teachers, including myself, had the opportunity to be able to join together while the Emilia Romagna region was opening up to us. After days of waiting, anxiety and fear, the list that puts ONLY HIGH SCHOOL COLLEAGUES on paper has finally come out today! Was it therefore a technical error? An error that cannot be accepted as if nothing had happened! There are places, Minister Azzolina should remedy this, you can’t joke about people’s work! We had the courage to apply, despite the 5-year restriction, and here are the results! “

“I was able to complete the application for the first rapid call for Emilia Romagna, there were places available in all the provinces except Bologna. Like me, many of my colleagues did the same, there was availability in Calabria (1 province) in Umbria (1 province) and Emilia Romagna (8 provinces). To date there is no news, we call the different school offices of the 8 provinces and nobody knows anything. We want a clarification since the lists are out, but there are no places in the primaries. We are very angry, they have deceived us, they have made fun of us. “

“I am also a primary school teacher who produced a regular demand at USR Calabria where there were 16 Primary places in Vibo Valentia and 45 childhood places in Catanzaro magically disappeared, but the request was pushed forward by the system anyway. They should give us the option to choose another province where the posts are real. Our lawsuits have been blown by the wind and denied us the right to produce demand for real jobs. I also wrote to the Miur. The minister complains that the teachers do not want to move, but should check how many wanted to do it and have been deceived by the system. “
