Berlusconi and Covid, today they ask themselves: “Will I be able to make a message for the electoral campaign?”


“So what are these exams like? How is the course of pneumonia progressing? Will I be able to get out of the hospital in time to do some campaign messages? Doctors know that it can happen frequently, especially when a patient has had so many previous illnesses that they consider the hospital bed a familiar place. It can happen that the mood changes depending on the day, depending on how important it is in the calendar of the disease, how decisive or not the scheduled examinations are. And so, on the fourth day of his nightly entrance to the San Raffaele facilities, after a weekend spent under the motto “I have to rest absolutely”, Silvio Berlusconi bite the brake again. Since the morning, doctors consider his change in mood, or rather, his reaction to the disease, as a sign of recovery, as if the Covid-19 infection that had weakened the body began to succumb. reaction of the physicist himself.

“Robust” response

The former prime minister – the man who in the first days of his hospitalization kept the television off, minimized phone calls with party leaders and dedicated the right moment to remote conversations with his children – begins the week with a definitely different air. . Already in the morning interviews with the doctors, instead of waiting for answers, he bombarded them with questions. How are the exams going, how is it going, how is it going, how much time is left until resignation. The exams give a series of confirmations that go in that direction, which is a good direction. In the sense that pneumonia seems to regress from the “early” stage in which it was photographed before admission; and also the very high viral load, which Berlusconi had twenty-four hours after the positive swab, now tends to decrease. The minimum objective of Sunday night compared to the results of the examinations scheduled for Monday morning, that is, yesterday, was to position the indicator of his state in the “stable”; and instead we go much further, as indicated in the medical bulletin signed in the early afternoon by Professor Alberto Zangrillo. In a few lines, in which the specific immune response is defined as “robust”, the word “improvement” is associated with the general clinical picture, the ongoing inflammation indices that are considered to be in the process of “reduction”, such as own infection.

Dinners and lunches always at Arcore

At eight o’clock at night, from the windows of Berlusconi’s room that overlook the entrance to the San Raffaele, the lights dim. The bodyguards remove the remains of the dinner in conditions of maximum security that, like lunch, is always prepared in Arcore; the nurse in charge of the Knight’s room, the only one authorized to cross the door of her room and obviously the medical staff, takes the temperature. The balance of the day seems positive but there are still many, too many reasons not to lower our guard. Previous pathologies, age, general conditions, of course; but also, with regard to infection, the fact that five days have not yet elapsed, that is, the exact half of that time perimeter in which bilateral pneumonia stopped at an early stage can progress.

The dictates of Zangrillo

The answers to the questions that Berlusconi has begun to ask himself again, especially those related to the return to the political scene of an electoral campaign that is coming to an end, are the same as those asked at the top of Forza Italia. If the roadmap marked with the doctors does not undergo changes, in theory the former prime minister could return to Arcore next week. At that point, according to the dictate of “absolute rest” already prescribed

ex ante de Zangrillo for the following days, there would be a window of one or two days before the obligation of electoral silence falls on the challenge of the Regionals. It would be the moment of those phone calls and interviews that the Knight had already begun to do immediately after the news of the infection. And before that infection, with a very high viral load, he reviewed the hierarchy of his priorities. All your priorities.

September 8, 2020 (change September 8, 2020 | 07:23)

