
Professor Brian Whalley had lived in Bergamo since the late 1980s
He taught in secondary school and opened an English school in via Pignolo.
Brian Whalley, an Englishman from Preston, was 72 years old and Bergamo had been his home since the late 1980s. He has taught English to generations of Bergamo people, high school students, Cesvi operators and adults who attended his school, Yes! English, opened in via Pignolo in the mid-nineties.
Professor Whalley left after a long battle against Covid. Knocked down by the aftermath of the virus he fought for more than five months. A painful odyssey, his. A first hospitalization at the end of March, two months in the hospital, then rehabilitation in a specialized center and return home in July. The worst seemed to have passed and, instead, in August the professor’s health conditions worsened again and it was necessary to enter the San Marco di Zingonia Polyclinic, where he died on Saturday.
“He fought to the end with all his might,” says his 27-year-old son Robin, “but unfortunately the situation was irretrievably compromised.” The disappearance of Brian Whalley has aroused deep emotion in the city. On Monday at the school door in via Pignolo, closed since last February, friends from the neighborhood left two roses and a note: «We will remember you not only for your accent, but for your happiness and honesty. Hello Brian. ‘
He was a man with a contagious humor and a great passion for music and cinema – he remembers his son who lives in London but was next to his father again. After graduating from Great Britain he came to Italy dedicating himself to teaching English to foreigners. In Bergamo he had taught at the artistic high school, at the Pesenti and at the Vittorio Emanuele.
“He was a communicator, he loved to teach English through the conversation method and he used to use the songs of Elvis, his favorite.” For some years he also directed a musical broadcast on Radio Popolare. The teacher’s last farewell on Tuesday, September 8 at 3:00 p.m. at the Casa del Farewell in via San Bernardino, Bergamo.