
Silvio Berlusconi in strong recovery. To confirm the good news about the health conditions of the Forza Italia leader hospitalized by coronavirus not only Alberto Zangrillo. According to various antecedents, the Cav would already be thinking of leaving the San Raffaele in Milan. “So what are these tests like? How’s the pneumonia course going? Will I be able to get out of the hospital in time to give some campaign messages?” These are the questions that, according to the Corriere, Berlusconi would ask doctors. The latter know that it can happen often, especially when a patient has had so many previous pathologies that the hospital bed is considered a familiar place. It can happen – writes the Fontana newspaper – that the mood changes depending on the day, depending on how important it is in the calendar of the disease, how decisive or not the scheduled exams.

In fact, at first the head of intensive care had described blue number one a bit submissive, now the same cannot be said. This is a sign of recovery, so much so that it seems that he has begun to have telephone contacts again, not only with his family.