Fight on the bus, passenger hit in the face. The police intervene []


07.09.2020 h 19:39 comments

Fight on the bus, passenger hit in the face. The police intervene

It happened in the afternoon in a vehicle that was on the Prato-Vaiano-Vernio section. Victim rescued by the Red Cross and taken to hospital with suspected nasal septum fracture

Fight on the bus, passenger hit in the face.  The police intervene

Moments of great tension, this afternoon, aboard a Cap vehicle that performs the Prato-Vaiano-Vernio service. The fight between two young people has degenerated and one of the two hits the other with a violent punch to the face, causing him to fall to the ground, sore in the nasal septum that could fracture. It happened around 6.40 pm today, September 7, in Viale Galilei, near Piazza del Mercato Nuovo. The public transport driver immediately stopped the bus and called the police. Three flying car patrols intervened, along with the Red Cross ambulance sent by 118. The policemen identified both the aggressor and the victim and tried to reconstruct what happened. Apparently, the attack would have resulted in the high point of a dispute for useless reasons. The injured person was accompanied to the emergency room and based on the prognosis, the Police Headquarters will act ex officio for the injuries against the person who struck the fist or will wait for the presentation of a complaint by the victim.

Related local editions: Prato

News date:
07.09.2020 h 19:39

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