There is still bad news from the Asrem newsletter today, Monday 7th September. The number of hospitalized patients increases positively. In 154 Processed swabs, still few, were found two other cases of positivity, one from Campobasso and one from Gambatesa: for this last patient it was necessary to be admitted to the infectious diseases department of Cardarelli. The Sant’Agapito patient was also hospitalized.
Today there is also a recovered man: he is a citizen of Filignano.
The number of positives currently rises to 88, while the totals since the start of the emergency are 548, out of a total of 34263 proposed swabs, including control swabs.
What is worrying, and it has always been the thermometer of the situation, is the situation in hospitals: in Cardarelli, patients with infectious diseases have risen to 5.
The healed rise to 437while deaths have stopped 2. 3.
The contagion map sees the presence of positive citizens in
numerous centers:
2 Bojano
44 Campobasso
1 Campolieto
1 Campodipietra
5 Campomarino
1 Carovilli
7 Ferrazzano
2 Forlì del Sannio
1 Prawn
6 Isernia
2 Montenero di Bisaccia
1 Macchiagodena
1 montaquila
1 ripalimosani
1 Rocchetta to Volturno
1 Sant’Agapito
4 Sant’Elia to Pianisi
6 Termoli