How many Italians really want it? Survey


Waiting for the launch of the coronavirus vaccine, one wonders how many there are favorable to take it once available. The doubt is linked not only to the positions of deniers and non-vaxes, but also to those of those who believe that the current vaccine race may hide some dangers.

The research department of German bank drove a poll to find out how many people are willing to receive the coronavirus vaccine in the near future by questioning 5,500 people in Italy, U.S, Britain, France, Germany me Spain. This is what came up.

70% of Italians would be vaccinated against the coronavirus: survey

In Italy he 70% of those surveyed said they were willing to receive the vaccine between three and six months after it was distributed. Same percentage registered in Germany.

Leading the ranking is the UK with a percentage of favorable to the vaccine equal to 78%. The United States ranks second with the 75% and then we find the Spain Alabama 72%. Under Italy and Germany, there is France, with the 61% of survey participants who would be willing to get vaccinated.

Respecting people firmly against the vaccineFrance has a value of 19%, Italy 18%, Germany 16%, the United States and Spain are respectively 14 and 11%, while Great Britain is the only one to go below the double digit with 9%.

Mandatory vaccination? Italy breaks

These are certainly surprising results, especially if we consider the economic resources (and not only) that both nations and organizations are investing in scientific research.

With precisely this in mind, the question of one’s own position with respect to mandatory vaccination. In this case they are Spanish have answered affirmatively in greater proportion with the 56%.

They follow the UK Alabama 55%, Italy Alabama 53% and the Germany Alabama 51%. Less than half of the respondents from U.S (44%) e France (42%) are in favor of a top-down imposition of the vaccine.
