Milan, September 7, 2020 – Silvio Berlusconi is better and registers a “robust” immune response specifies “to coronavirus”. The general clinical picture “of the former prime minister, hospitalized for 4 days in San Raffaele of Milan with the diagnosis of pneumonia bilateral SARS-COV-2 relates, “it seems to be improving,” said the professor Alberto Zangrillo in the latest medical bulletin.
the trusted doctor The leader of Forza Italia, head of the General and Cardiovascular Intensive Care Unit at the IRCCS San Raffaele Hospital, explains: an improvement “consistent with the hematochemical evidence and the resumption of a robust specific immune response, associated with a reduction in the rates of phlogosis “.
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He will be decisive the next 3 or 4 days, to understand the evolution of pneumonia in a patient who will turn 84 on September 29, therefore defined as ‘fragile’, not only by age, but also by previous pathologies.
Pneumonia is treated with Remdesivir, the only antiviral drug licensed to date for the treatment of Sars-Cov-2 virus infections. Already in recent days Zangrillo had expressed “cautious but reasonable optimism,” but hinting that it is too early to consider Berlusconi “out of the woods.”
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