Dpcm extends the anticarvid rules until October 7. Stadiums and discos are closed



Among the few novelties with respect to the Dpcm of last August 7, the self-certification for the entry into Italy of countries so far “prohibited” to certify that they will reside with a person, “although they do not live together”, with whom “there is a relationship stable emotional “

School restarts in Bolzano, Campania postponed until September 24

Among the few novelties with respect to the Dpcm of last August 7, the self-certification for the entry into Italy of countries so far “prohibited” to certify that they will reside with a person, “although they do not live together”, with whom “there is a relationship stable emotional “

1 ‘reading

The anti-Covid measures – those contained in the Dpcm of last August 7 – are extended for 30 days, until October 7 (see Il Sole 24 Ore of September 6). This is what provides the Prime Minister’s Decree signed tonight by the Prime Minister and expected in the Official Gazette.

All anti-contagion measures are reconfirmed, starting with the three golden rules that have followed us since the beginning of the state of emergency. They range from hand hygiene, to 1 meter spacing, to the use of the mask in indoor places accessible to the public and in all places where it is not possible to guarantee the maintenance of the spacing.

Bus and metro 80% full

But new rules on the capacity of buses, metro and regional trains also enter the Dpcm, which can be filled up to 80 percent. Finally, the decree reiterates the cessation of discotheques as well as the reopening of stadiums.

Green light to reunite couples

Among the few novelties with respect to the Dpcm of last August 7, the self-certification for the entry into Italy of countries so far “prohibited” to certify that they will reside with a person, “although they do not live together”, with whom “there is a relationship stable affective “. Self-certification will also be used to communicate with the ASL and a 14-day quarantine will be mandatory. The states for which entry into Italy was prohibited are: Armenia, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Brazil, Bosnia Herzegovina, Chile, Kosovo, Kuwait, North Macedonia, Moldova, Montenegro, Oman, Panama, Peru, Dominican Republic, Serbia, Colombia . . For all other states the regulations already in force apply: those arriving from Croatia, Greece, Malta and Spain must obligatorily rub.
