Zingaretti, right to join Mes, serves the health system – Ultima Ora


(ANSA) – ROME, SEPTEMBER 07 – “The Democratic Party calls for the ESM projects to be defined soon because it is a financing line for health that saves us billions, it is very fair and correct because the health system needs it “. This was stated by the secretary of the Democratic Party Nicola Zingaretti at the end of the party leadership. “I think that beyond the chatter – continued Zingaretti – the center-left has saved Italy. We have earned billions of euros for our economy, for companies, now we have to spend them well: fast, fast and with concrete programs. Pd will be the guarantor of this great opportunity for Italy. We must not restore the Italy that was there, we must build a new one: fairer, more competitive and one that faces many problems and too many cuts in public spending ”. (HANDLE).