Two-three million doses by the end of the year, priority given to doctors and the elderly with pathologies, particularly in RSA. The forecasts of the Minister of Health Roberto Speranza refer to the vaccine developed byOxford University and produced by AstraZeneca.
Besides English, are there other advanced studies?
8 candidate vaccines (out of 176 worldwide) have reached phase 3 and could therefore be available in the coming months: three based on viral vectors (AstraZeneca, CanSino me Gamaleya), three on inactivated viruses (all Chinese) and two in Rna (Modern me BioNTech / Pfizer). Phase 3 can last from 6 months to several years and consists of administering the vaccine to 30-40,000 people, who are then compared to an unvaccinated control group. The number of infections with disease in the vaccinated group should be significantly less than that registered among other non-immunized volunteers.
Could some of the finalists complete Phase 3 by 2020?
We all hope for it, but it is unlikely to happen, given the relatively low number of infections, even in countries like Brazil and the US There is likely preliminary efficacy and safety data showing disease prevention in healthy youth and adults. Information that will be used to assess the relationship between the risk of serious infections and the benefit of a vaccine that has not yet been definitively promoted. Reasoning that will lead the health authorities to decide whether to administer the first doses to certain groups, such as health professionals, with a non-standard procedure.
Can a vaccine not yet registered (and therefore off the market) be offered to the population?
Faced with the Sars-CoV-2 pandemic, it was decided to take an emergency path: pharmaceutical companies began, with funds from all governments, to produce vaccines already during clinical trials, to be ready as soon as they obtained the first results. In the normal process, production begins only after a definitive test for safety and efficacy. Universal population vaccination is likely to begin only after robust data are available on much larger and heterogeneous groups.
Do you need to speed up the times so much?
In an emergency context, such as the Sars-CoV-2 pandemic, it is convenient to try to take any route. Currently in Italy we are in a much less dramatic phase than the one that happened in March and April. For this reason, the first available vaccines will be offered, as an exception, only to the categories most exposed or at risk of death.
September 7, 2020 (change September 7, 2020 | 22:35)