Rome, September 7, 2020 – Nightclubs me stages stay closed. The first Minister Giuseppe Conte has signed he new Dpcm byCoronavirus emergency. The Dpcm extends to October 7 the precautionary measures to counteract and contain the spread of the Covid-19 virus contained in the Dpcm August 7, 2020. A few hours before the Minister of Health Roberto Speranza had reiterated for the umpteenth time the Government’s line on the containment of Coronavirus in Italy. “We have never reopened the discos, some Regions that had the power did, but we intervened to close them,” said Speranza. And the Dpcm expands all these measures that were already in force: both the discos and the stadiums are and therefore remain closed ”. The next deadline was confirmed on October 7, the date on which the extension of the decree of the President of the Council of Ministers ends. Based on what you’ve learned, in fact, the rules can’t stay in effect for more than a month. This morning Speranza again declared that Italy will continue to maintain “the highest possible level of prudence, attention and caution regarding Covid.” Today’s bulletin records a slowdown in infections (1,108 new cases in the last 24 hours), but with less than half of the swabs made compared to Friday. The growth of hospitalizations and intensive care continues.
Dpcm, the news
The content of the dpcm has already been widely known in recent days. Among the few novelties compared to the text of August 7, the possibility of reunification for international couples that translates into a ‘self certification for entry to Italy for those who come from countries that until now have been “off limits”. It will serve to certify that you will reside with a person, “even if you do not live together”, with whom “there is a stable affective relationship”. Self-certification will also be used to communicate with the ASL and a 14-day quarantine will be mandatory.
The states for which entry into Italy was prohibited are: Armenia, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Brazil, Bosnia Herzegovina, Chile, Kosovo, Kuwait, North Macedonia, Moldova, Montenegro, Oman, Panama, Peru, Dominican Republic, Serbia, Colombia . . For all other states the regulations already in force apply: those arriving from Croatia, Greece, Malta and Spain must obligatorily rub. Those arriving from Romania and Bulgaria must remain in quarantine.
The stadiums closed until at least October 7, then. Then we will see, especially based on how the infections will go. It was this morning that awakened some hope Sandra Zampa, Undersecretary of Health. “If the numbers were good – he told Radio Punto Nuovo – if we had successfully and rigorously supported the reopening test, for Inter Milan on October 17 there could be an audience at San Siro, if we behave well.”
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