BRINDISI – The well-known director of the company Franco Tatò has been hospitalized in the Resuscitation department of the Perrino hospital in Brindisi after a fall at his home yesterday (Sunday 6 September) in Torre Spaccata, in the Fasano countryside, for years the destination of your summer vacation. The episode took place around 6 in the afternoon. Tatò, 88, on August 12, allegedly hit his head after tripping on a step. Rescued by 118 employees, he was transported in code red to the hospital in the capital, with a head injury.
Tatò is a leading figure in Italian entrepreneurship. Originally from Lodi, he graduated in Philosophy in Pavia (for this reason he was also nicknamed “Managing Philosopher” in addition to “Kaiser Franz”). At the age of 24, he began his apprenticeship at Olivetti, a company that he only left in 1990, after having held high positions. Tatò also held positions at Fininvest, Mondadori and Enel. From 2003 to 2014 he was general director of the Institute of the Italian Encyclopedia Treccani. In 2013 he was appointed vice president of the engineering company Berco, part of the Thyssen Krupp group.
Tatò has also written essays. With one of them, “German Autumn – Chronicle of an impossible restructuring (Sperling & Kupfer, 1992)”, he won the Tevere Prize for non-fiction. Very close to Puglia (his father was originally from Barletta), he owns a farm in Fasano.
Article last updated at 12 noon on September 7, 2020
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