Coronavirus cases in the world have exceeded 27 million, according to Johns Hopkins University, while the victims exceed 880,000. The United States is the country even more affected with 6.2 million cases, now India follows with 4.2 million cases that has surpassed Brazil with 4.1 million infections
New daily record in India, where they have been recorded in the last 24 hours 90,632 new infections. This is the highest figure ever recorded in a single country in a single day, and the total now increases to 4.2 million of cases and 70,626 dead. As The Guardian reports, India has the fastest coronavirus infection rate in the world. According to experts, in a few days it may surpass the United States in first place, according to data from Johns Hopkins University. For example, virologist Shahid Jameel predicts this: “Of the three main countries affected by the coronavirus, India shows an increasing curve. This is cause for great concern and it is urgent to reverse the trend. According to Jameel, the responsibility for this increase in cases is linked to a generalized “public apathy”, fueled by the “constant narration of the government and the Indian states about increasing recovery rates and low mortality”.
The Australian government has confirmed that it has closed two agreements that will allow the free distribution of the first doses of the Coronavirus vaccine in early 2021. Prime Minister Scott Morrison has estimated the cost of both agreements at about 1.7 billion dollars. Australians, just over a billion euros. Agreements that will ensure that Australia is “at the top of the list” of countries that will benefit from the vaccine, “if our experts give the green light.” The Australian government investment is expected to secure 85 million doses, including 51 million from the University of Queensland development and 33.8 million doses from the Oxford development with AstraZeneca, which is in the most advanced stage of experimentation.
If the last verification phase ends positively, the first 3.8 million doses should arrive from AstraZeneca between January and February 2021. The vaccination campaign will not be mandatory but highly recommended, in a country that already has a vaccination rate. . 95%. The Australian government will be able to enjoy a significant surplus of doses, considering that Australians are only about 25 million. The excess that the government has promised to make available to neighboring countries in the Pacific and Southeast Asia.
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