
The reopening of schools is a priority and must be done with absolute safety (how is this possible?). Alternatives have been ruled out and with the pandemic on the rise there are natural perplexities and controversy over the proposed methods opens.
In the first place, because with the arrival of the cold season it cannot be ruled out that the attempt will be aborted.
Personally then I am very perplexed with the school that one would like to open: students separated from each other, without the possibility of working together and sharing materials (not even notebooks) not even with teachers, forced to speak from the desk equipped with a mask (perhaps incomprehensibly) and keep a close eye on the students. Rigid procedures controlled by custodians constantly dedicated to disinfecting spaces. Is a police regime and a frontal teaching really an acceptable school?

DAD created problems, but many things could and can be improved.
A first problem It is the lack of usable devices: some schools have catered to those who did not have them and a relative investment can not only solve the problem, but also increase the culture and means for the most distressed Italian families. Much more than Mr. Arcuri, who has the old and still good benches thrown out the window. Stationary and distant on wheeled benches. Curious!
Another urgent problem it is the custody of the children, who cannot be abandoned by their working parents. Is it really a problem for the school? All right, we need a healthy, controlled and safe place. This is the family first, including grandparents, with whom perhaps more stimulating relationships. Those who work from home could have the opportunity for a constructive dialogue, also based on the responsibility and autonomy that young people today need so much. For those who really cannot offer sheltered accommodation for young children (older children can stay home alone), a small number of classes could be arranged. After all, what happens in the summer?
Another problem they are students with difficulties (cognitive, cultural, relational …). Undoubtedly, they would need individualized moments, even in presence and in a small group, flexible and directed, managed with discretion and professionalism. Let us remember the constitutional principle: remove the obstacles!
Empower children: an essential node refers to the social role of the school, which, at this time, is the most widespread community and almost the only one in which a citizen experiences life. Obviously, this role must be reassessed, especially by parents who are often overprotective, generous with criticism and demands: perhaps the time is also right. In fact, it would surely take some common moments: in museums, parks, farms, theaters, to visit the territory. It is true that it would be a very small community life, but full of promise and temptation: a positive idea of the school for the students.
The cultural and study aspect is undoubtedly the most focal point of the school, unfortunately not sufficiently valued today.
It is essential to provide our young people with top quality support: they are our human capital, the most precious. The means to do this are now many and can be carefully selected, the Internet, TV, online collaboration, even asynchronous, videoconferencing, experts … I am convinced, and not only, of the need and value of the guidance of teachers in everything. the way, for a direct interaction, a personal relationship, to lead the class-community in a flexible and warm way. Rather than being a poor replica of frontal or even dialogic lessons, DAD could enhance discussion, peer collaboration, personal biases, and deepening, creating the “inverted class” we are talking about today.
Of course, the controls would be more complicated. Student motivation would be more intrinsic than extrinsic and this is probably a good thing. Today, more than ever, we study by notes: a reason for anxiety and not passion. If the whole society considered the study and the importance of competences as a crucial value, students would work better, for themselves and for society, especially if their projects, their ideas and their aspirations were listened to, respected and achieved. . The school must work to improve the world, to make the dreams of humanity come true, not to show that homework has been done. In this perspective, the urge to study with responsibility and dedication should be natural.
While home confinement for children is unacceptable, putting them all in a kind of prison that would make Montessori even paler than Papini doesn’t seem like a solution.
Students, easily asymptomatic, would drastically expand the contagion, including elderly teachers, who are many and much more at risk: where schools have already reopened, students do not die, but teachers …
Therefore, considering a partial opening and diversified activities for schools seems more prudent although less demagogic.
Cristina Tioli