By posting a cover photo of the new issue of L’Espresso, in which Schlein’s face dominates with the description “Feminist. Environmentalist. Progressive. Government ”, Gervasoni asked his 16,000 followers:“ What’s up, n’omo? ”. Except then he justifies his own infamous comment, straddling sexism and homophobia, by saying that he simply set up a “social and political experiment.”

Gervasoni offends Elly Schlein on the cover of Espresso on Twitter: “What is a man?”
“The University of Molise does not identify with the political positions or opinions of individual professors,” read today in the press release from the public university where Gervasoni works. “Referring to respect for constitutional values and maintaining attitudes respectful of human dignity”, continues, the rector Luca Brunese decided to promote a study day by personally inviting Elly Schlein herself to participate.
The university community of Molise affirms to repudiate “any discrimination caused by differences of religious, political, cultural or sexual orientation. The University Statute describes its environment as “a supportive community that internally promotes, at all levels and in all areas, a climate of respect and recognition of the value of the other in the rejection of all forms of discrimination based on gender, age, ethnic origin, religious beliefs, sexual orientation, disability, physical and mental health conditions “.

Rackete, Segre and Schlein. The recidivist sexism of “prof” Gervasoni
It is not the first time that Gervasoni has been called to order by the institutions where he teaches: in September 2019 the private Luiss university had already decided not to renew his contract for the chair of comparative history of political systems after a series of tweets that they are troublesome to say the least. And often aimed at female public figures: before Elly Schlein, Ilaria Cucchi, Senator Liliana Segre and Carola Rackete had already been in their sights. After a particularly virulent tweet against the activist Rackete, the news arrived of the non-renewal of the contract by the prestigious Roman private university linked to Confindustria, which sought to guarantee freedom of opinion, provided it was “free of any intolerant, racist roots or sexist fueled by hatred of others ”.
“Giorgia Meloni is right, the ship must sink. So Sea Watchbum boom, unless you find a less noisy medium, ”he wrote. But previously he had also invoked gallows and hangings against various political figures, argued that “to change the national ideology the Germans must be bombed” and shared the conspiracy theory that the German neo-Nazis responsible for the Hanau massacre were actually victims of an undercover leadership of the secret services. Even so, the chair remains at the same university that today condemns “all forms of discrimination and misuse of the media.”
The Giuseppe Di Vagno Foundation, which takes its name from the first deputy of the national parliament, a victim of fascist violence in 1921, publicly distances itself from the former collaborator. The Foundation “feels the duty to make known that for some years it has interrupted all cultural and operational relations with Prof. Marco Gervasoni, so that it is not recognized in his latest writings and in his statements through social networks” . And about Schlein he adds that the vice president “receives the greatest sympathy and esteem from the Foundation.”