With regard to the five new cases of Covid-19 attributed to the municipality of Terni by the Region in the last update – that of Monday morning – the Usl Umbria 2 announces that “the two children of 3 and 6 years who test positive due to coronavirus, they reported in the company newsletter yesterday afternoon (Sunday, editor’s note), which was joined by two employees aged 57 and 59 (both women, editor’s note) from a school in the municipality of Terni. Both cases were identified through the location of contacts made on time by the health workers of the health and public health service of the Usl directed by Dr. Luisa Valsenti The two subjects present mild symptoms and are in isolation by default at home. The third case refers to a 29-year-old subject, resident in Terni, with mild symptoms, who came into contact with positive people from abroad and residents. He is in absent home isolation. “The two women turned out to be They were Covid + I work at the school in Terni where in recent days the positivity of a janitor had emerged, news released by The messenger.
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