Coronavirus France: second wave more extensive but less severe


New daily cases in France (source Wordometers)
New daily cases in France (source Wordometers)

Registry of infected

It can be seen in the graphs related to the two numbers filled in by Wordmeters and updated to September 7. In the first (Above, ed) there are cases accumulated in France since February with the daily progression expressed with an average of 7 days: take into account the peak on March 31 with 7,578 cases in one day, already exceeded on September 4 with 8,975 cases. The incidence now exceeds the alert threshold, that is, 50 cases per 100,000 inhabitants, in nineteen departments and the rate of positivity is also growing (proportion of the number of positive people divided by the number of people analyzed, in the last seven days) : it reached 4.9% on Sunday, September 6, against 4.3% in the middle of the week. On Sunday, September 6, the new positives were 7,071, according to data published by the health authorities. Almost 25,000 new cases were detected in 3 days.

The deaths

We see that for now it is a macroscopically less serious situation in the graph that records the total deaths: In the “second wave” we speak of a number that almost never exceeds twenty people, while the peak on April 15 was 1,437 People and France consider a country that has a very accurate “coronavirus” death toll because it includes Covid-19 deaths in RSA in daily death counts across the country (not many in Europe do). It must be said that deaths follow infection peaks after about a month, but for France the slow but steady growth that started in August, therefore a good month ago.

Prepare not to clog hospitals

That is why this second wave seems for now numerically more consistent than the first, but less serious. The authorities do not minimize, on the contrary: We are not on the same wave of epidemic as last spring, said French health minister Olivier Vran. The trend is much slower but it should still put us on alert. In the next 15 days there will be an increase, not massive but an increase, in the number of serious casesHe concluded. In mainland France, the progression of viral circulation is exponential. The rapidly growing transmission dynamics of concern, the France Public Health (SPF). Today we have a growth of 30% in the number of cases per week, of 15% in the number of hospitalizations. If we continue at the same pace, we will reach a critical situation in December in various regions of France, epidemiologist Arnaud Fontanet warned Sunday.
The French government has increased its ability to identify and isolate new cases and find possible infected through contact tracing equipment and a smartphone app, and now the system is being put to the test as the French returned from vacation and schools. have reopened. The challenge is to find as positive as possible and limit the number of hospitalizations by treating people promptly to prevent them from getting worse.

September 7, 2020 (change September 7, 2020 | 13:49)

