While the outside world of the school is going crazy, including GPS errors and exclusion decrees, job recruitment, precarious teachers waiting to be summoned with around 250,000 open chairs waiting to be filled; the earliest teaching colleges dropped out of school, most of them remotely.
A school year that begins, despite all the perplexities that surround there, with the awareness that it will be a tortuous path, especially if we think about the fact that beyond the guidelines and all the directives of the CTS, many schools still today they are in the same state they were in last March.
Without a doubt, this first phase of the beginning of the school year is the one that deserves the most attention since teachers are involved in the planning of activities and programming that must take into account the ministerial guidelines but also the new indications around integrated digital teaching.
What are the commitments that teachers must fulfill before the start of the school year?
The art. 28, c. 5 of CCNL 2006-09, not modified by the new CCNL 2016-18 with reference to teaching activities, establishes that in periods of interruption of teaching activities, teachers are not obliged to stay in school during school hours and may be dedicated solely to functional or additional activities established by article 29.
These days teachers are working remotely and the schools themselves have taken measures to regulate the electronic performance of all those activities in which teachers are called to participate, including meetings of collegiate bodies.
Teachers will participate in this first part of the year
- to any class council;
- ballots, exams and related obligations;
- Faculty meetings, planning and verification activities up to 40 hours per year, with the caveat that excess hours must be paid for from the school fund;
- any update activity, which will be carried out on a voluntary basis;
- Complementary activities (also voluntary) provided for in the PTOF or approved by the Faculty, which give the right to hourly or flat-rate remuneration.
All activities that take place from September 1 to the beginning of the lessons (or from the end of the lessons until 6/30) must be planned and deliberate on a mandatory basis. The manager cannot impose them, nor is it lawful to impose the mere presence of teachers in the school, regardless of their commitment to scheduled activities, due to the number of hours scheduled in their school hours since the lessons have not yet begun. All this has its sequel even if the teachers are working on smart work, as before the start of the lessons. Only functional activities for collegiate teaching provided for in the annual activity plan approved by the Faculty may be carried out.
Functional teaching activities
The total of hours to dedicate to the collegiate activities is 40 hours for the participation in the faculty council and its branches and another 40 for the participation in the class councils, excluding those of intermediate and final voting.
Functional teaching activities are defined and regulated by art. 29 of the CCNL / 2007 in the following terms:
1. Functional teaching activity consists of any commitment inherent to the teaching function foreseen by the different school systems. It includes all activities, including those of a collegiate nature, planning, planning, research, evaluation, documentation, updating and training, including the preparation of the work of the collective bodies, participation in meetings and the implementation of the agreements adopted by said organs.
2. Individual obligations owed include related activities:
a) the preparation of lessons and exercises;
b) the correction of documents;
c) individual relationships with families.
The collegiate activities of all teachers consist of:
a) participation in the meetings of the Board of Teachers, including the planning and verification of the beginning and end of the year activities and informing the families about the results of the quarterly, quarterly and final votes and about the progress of the educational activities in nursery schools and educational institutions, up to 40 hours a year;
b) participation in the collegiate activities of the class, interclass and intersection councils.
The obligations related to these activities are planned according to the criteria established by the teaching staff; In the aforementioned programming, it will be necessary to take into account the service charges of teachers with a number of classes greater than six in order to foresee a commitment of up to 40 hours per year;
c) conducting voting and examinations, including collecting documents related to the evaluation.
3. To ensure an effective relationship with families and students, in relation to the different organizational methods of the service, the school council, based on the proposals of the teachers council, defines the methods and criteria to carry out relations with families. and students, guaranteeing concrete accessibility to the service, even if it is compatible with the institute’s operating needs, and providing adequate communication tools between the institute and families.
.4. To guarantee the reception and supervision of the students, the teachers must be in the classroom 5 minutes before the start of the lessons and observe how the students are leaving.
Obviously, this last point is integrated with the new ministerial provisions of the Memorandum of Understanding for the containment of the spread of Covid that foresees staggered entries and exits to avoid meetings.