Even in Milan they pick up the little ones. Each institution will have a Covid contact. In the South there are no positions, they will be delivered in October. Secondary schools break classes: we start with distance lessons
“We made an effort to listen to everyone. The school is not a fairy, an aseptic place, where the risk is zero. As of September 14, the game becomes very healthy, ”says Azzolina. There are doubts about the chairs, there is talk of 250 thousand vacant positions. The “quick call” tool, which would have allowed the movement of teachers outside the region, was not very successful: 2,500 transfers against 10,000 requests. “It is a new tool, it has room for improvement,” says the minister.
Banks delivered in October – There is also the problem of banks that most affects the south. The institutes of the South are the ones that have made the most requests to Commissioner Arcuri. But the millions of jobs promised are yet to come. Arcuri spoke of final deliveries by the end of October, but some companies that won the tender announced possible postponements in November.
Broken classes and moving to online teaching – High school boys, on the other hand, will have to wait a bit. From north to south, high schools have communicated to families that most classes will split up and start where they left off, that is, with distance education (Dad). The directors have favored the first and the fifth, their presence will be guaranteed. The other classes will have to depend on Dad. Some schools have taken turns: half a class or a small group of a few follow at a distance and in sync. Others for everyone online or in the classroom. The category of the student “present but outside the classroom” is also born, those who will stay at home in shifts but with specific jobs assigned by the teachers. In many cases it will be an experiment.
The figure of the Covid manager is released – And then there is the debut of the Covid manager, a teacher (in most cases) who took an online course from the ministry. He will be the one who handles suspicious “cases” within the school following the strict health rules established by the CTS.