The hypothesis Mario draghi The premiere is absolutely concrete. We’ve been talking about it for months and the last authorized confirmation comes from Augusto Minzolini, which analyzes the political framework in an intervention general, the morning show broadcast by La7. Behind the scenes, the decisive crossroads will be the next regional elections: “There is a fundamental problem, a rather complicated situation, there is the date of the regional elections,” it begins. The most likely result is a 4-2“in favor of the center-right”. What it means – continues Minzo – that at the regional level, 16 regions will be governed by the current opposition and 4 by a formula close to the current majority. I do not know if in a situation of this type we can go ahead “with the government of Giuseppe Conte. “In that case, if a minimum realignment of the territorial majority with that of Rome, Mario Draghi’s hypothesis would be useful. Of course, you could back off on a political formula. But if there was a formula for everything, it would be very ready. It is not even an alternative to the Quirinal: if I wanted to get there, the best way would be to already have a commitment to the country “as prime minister.” In short, according to Minzolini, in the event of a knockout of Giallorossi in the regional, and with a parliament willing to support him fully (or almost), Mario Draghi could be catapulted to Palazzo Chigi.