Primary, how to organize digital teaching integrated into the basic cycle: Download “Letter to parents”


These days, each Italian educational institution is defining the rules to implement integrated digital teaching, trying to balance, for now and in perspective, synchronous and asynchronous activities. Integrated digital teaching should be understood, therefore, as an innovative teaching-learning methodology, and is aimed at all students as an additional teaching method that completes the traditional face-to-face school experimentation, as well as, in the eventuality (perhaps not too much remote) of a new confinement, for students of all school grades, according to the indications given in this document. The planning of teaching in digital mode must take into account the context and ensure the sustainability of the proposed activities and a general level of inclusiveness, avoiding that the contents and methodologies are the mere transposition of what is usually done in presence.

The section on educational, didactic and training needs

School institutions, since the publication of the National Guidelines, have started a survey on the need for technological equipment and connectivity, when the framework regarding the months of interruption of teaching activities has changed even in the case of the entry of new students. in the first classes, in order to provide for the granting of a free loan for the use of the connection tools, to students who do not have the opportunity to use their own devices.

Needs verification

The verification of the needs was fundamental to establish the criteria for the granting of the instrumental equipment of the educational institution on loan, ensuring that they observe a priority towards the less favored students, through the clarification of clear criteria of attribution in compliance. of the regulations on personal data protection. The Ministry of Education reminds that the survey will also affect the teaching staff of a fixed duration who, if they are not in possession of their own means, will be able to receive a device in a remaining way with respect to the students and only when the needs expressed by them are fully satisfied. .

The objectives to be pursued are the adequacy of the two teaching methods

The Faculty Board is requested to ensure certain criteria and methods appropriate to the grade level to impart integrated digital teaching, adapting the design of educational and teaching activities in remote mode, even in secondary mode, in order to allow the La didactic proposal of the single teacher is framed in a shared pedagogical and methodological framework, which guarantees the homogeneity of the educational offer of the school institution. The Ministry of Education recalls that the teaching team and class councils are entrusted with the task of reshaping the teaching plans by identifying the essential contents of the disciplines, interdisciplinary nodes, the contributions of non-formal and informal contexts to learning, with the In order to place students, albeit at a distance, at the center of the teaching-learning process to develop autonomy and responsibility to the maximum.

Fragile pupils

The Ministry of Education reminds us that we must commit to the most vulnerable students. In the event that DDI activities are pending as an additional method to face-to-face teaching, care will be taken to provide the proposal for students with fragile health conditions, suitably certified and recognized, allowing them, above all, to be able to use the didactic proposal from the home itself, in harmony with the families, while starting home education courses deliberately designed and shared with the competent local structures, with the aim of their possible integration with home education activities. In cases where frailty reverses emotional or sociocultural conditions, even more so in the cases of students with disabilities, it is recommended to privilege school attendance, foreseeing inclusion in shifts that consider the alternation between presence and distance only by agreement. with families.

Support activities and DDI

The teachers for the support activities, always present in the school together with the students, are in charge of the exchange between all the classmates present and those involved in the DDI, and also with the rest of the curricular teachers, managing individualized or personalized material to be carried out . benefit from the same student in daily meetings with the small group and collaborate, in close correlation with peers, in the development of UDA for the class. It is essential that the school gives families a timely indication of the contents of the Integrated Digital Teaching School Plan, of the criteria that teachers will use to choose the students to whom they propose the DDI, safeguarding the full clarity of the criteria identified , on the peculiarities that this method will govern and the tools that may be necessary. The identification of the students to whom alternative paths are proposed in DDI must be carried out by adopting specific guarantees to protect the data of minors, given the sensitivity of the information processed.

The primary plan

Also in this case we propose the format of an explanatory letter that the directors of the schools would do well to send to their users. Especially if it is of the first degree of education. Place in which each election appeared, last spring, during the closure of schools, more complex taking into account the age of the users and the specificities linked to the inability of the student to access, alone, the proposed platforms. The director of the State Integral Institute “Pietro Aldi” of Manciano, in the province of Grosseto, professor Anna Maria Carbone, collaborated with great professionalism on the part of the digital animator of the school, professor Giampaolo Guaina, has elaborated, based on what What we have Said before, a very well articulated letter intended for the parents of their little students. In it, Professor Anna Maria Carbone points out that “in today’s society the important turning point is the development of the communication system on the Internet, the availability of e-learning platforms, the availability of large information and training bases ( Wikipedia, etc.…), transmitted by the arrival of mobile systems, not only traditional cell phones, but especially smart phones and tablets ”.

And continues, the director of the State Integral Institute “Pietro Aldi” of Manciano, in the province of Grosseto, pointing out that “the COVID-19 crisis has demonstrated the importance of digital skills and related infrastructure, both at a general level and in particular for families and individuals.

With the DL of March 25, 2020, face-to-face teaching activities were interrupted by distance learning (dad), erroneously identified as digital teaching: an emergency solution that allowed the school to be present, adapting to a pandemic context that prevented the physical proximity “.

Therefore, it was necessary to re-experiment and bet. Today the school continues to ask Italian teachers for this.
