JESOLO – Bachelor party with meeting, local police interrupt the party. Violating the anti-contagion rules, it remains a fined public place in Jesolo.
It happened on Saturday night in an activity near Piazza Nember. The assessment of the local police officers began after a report from some residents complaining about the noises coming from the bar: screaming and screaming In the middle of the night.
An unbearable noise for those who want to rest. But, once he intervened, the patrol found themselves in front of a royal party with more than a hundred people, all between twenty and thirty years old, also coming from outside the province, but mostly present at the club without wearing the mask and without worrying about ensuring spacing.
For this the patrolIn addition to the initial checks, it initiated checks on compliance with anti-Covid-19 regulations, ensuring that the standards envisaged to prevent the risk of contagion by Covid-19 were not followed in any way.
The justifications of many of those present are vain. In particular, those of the largest group of young people who in front of the agents explained that they had gathered to celebrate a friend’s bachelor party. The agents, coordinated by Commander Claudio Vanin, once the gathering was verified, fined the bar managers with an administrative fine of 400 euros. For the same reason the agents fired everyone present, interrupting the party resulting in close early of the room.
Precisely for this reason, there were moments of nervousness among some of those present who did not “welcome” the intervention of the police, who in any case did not sanction the clients to avoid later tensions. As usual, again when it comes to those responsible for the restaurant, the reporting to the prefecture to evaluate other measures. As if that were not enough, given the initial reports of shouting and screaming, the agents have also begun the investigation of the case to verify the disturbance of public order, which could lead to other sanctions.
PREVIOUS It is not the first time this summer that agents have sanctioned (and closed) premises in the city for violations of anti-coronavirus regulations.
Also for this reason, the Municipality has ensured that I control S they will continue until the end of the health emergency. «Most of the exhibitors – comments the mayor Valerio Zoggia – and the guests of our city have shown respect for the rules. However, there are isolated cases that do not respect the rules. And since the Covid problem has not yet been resolved, agents will continue to carry out the necessary checks. “
Last updated: 08:12