Everything seems ready for a reform of pensions. In fact, next week the government and unions will meet to get their hands on the social security system. It will be a long negotiation. Among the objectives is to expand theSocial waters and Woman option. The extension of the Social Ape should be extended to a greater number of categories dedicated to heavy work. And, that of the female option, could also arrive taking into account the cases of “vertical part time”. Subtleties. Technicalities that, however, could change the destiny of thousands of Italians. Few possibilities, at least for the moment, seems to have another request from the unions, that of expanding the audience of retirees who benefit from the so-called 14th while the restoration of the voluntary or corporate Ape could appear, closed last year after the first experimentation.
But work is also being done to avoid the dangerous ladder that looms in early 2022 with the end of three years of experimentation with Quota 100. During the “negotiation” a proposal could rain down that does not seem to upset the Ministry of Labor too much. Explain it the sun 24 hours. This would imply the introduction of a flexible mechanism that allows leaving from 62 or 63 years of age and a minimum seniority of 38 years, or perhaps even 36, which provides for a penalty fee, with full connection to the pure contribution system, in the form of a reduction in treatment from 2.8% to 3% for each year before the old-age retirement threshold (67 years).
The news does not end there. Yes, because innovations in the field of pensions would be accompanied by a reform of the social safety nets necessary to manage the economic crisis of the coronavirus and, in particular, the business problems that could arise in the near future. In the next few months, in fact, it will end stop layoffs. And that could lead to an increase in the unemployment rate.
But let’s go back to the chapter on pensions. A renovation of the flexibility in production. Something that the unions don’t care about. However, they will defend their Cuota 41 project, which is to guarantee all workers, from the so-called “precocious”, the right to retirement with 41 years of contributions regardless of their age. However, the whole operation will not be easy to take home. There are at least a couple of knots to undo: i costs of the field proposals and the reestablishment of the automatic adjustment to life expectancy for anticipated pensions, which was blocked until 2026 by the yellow-green executive with the introduction of Quota 100.
As for the first point, always second Sun, the 3 or 4 billion less spending could be used, which should be ensured by the less than expected attractiveness shown so far by Quota 100. More difficult to overcome, on the other hand, is the obstacle of reestablishing the direct link between exits and life expectancy. In any case, the reform of the social security system will have to see the light no later than next year, also because in fact it has been guaranteed by the government to the European Union. A measure considered necessary by Brussels to access the long-awaited Recovery Fund.