Two children from Terni, a 6-year-old boy who plays soccer with a city youth team and his 3-year-old sister, tested positive for Covid-19. The news emerged on Sunday. Both, after spending a few days in the second family home in the Montecchio area (Terni), underwent a nasopharyngeal swab as part of the contact tracing activities carried out by the health and public health service of the health company Usl Umbria two.
The first positivity
Last Friday, in fact, the mother, a 40-year-old lawyer and symptomatic, was reported as positive for coronavirus, reported to the Usl by the family doctor to whom she had referred. Hence the epidemiological investigation and the family test. Both children are totally asymptomatic and the father tested negative on the swab. The Terni family is in home isolation by default and is followed by the treating doctor and the Usca del Usl 2 de Terni.
The profession
As for the positive woman, in the context of her legal profession practiced in Terni, she would not have had recent contacts with the court. The study colleagues, on the other hand, subjected to swabs, would have tested negative.
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