investors prepare for possible Trump victory


Time of Elections USA 2020 also for him investors.

In November, American voters will be called to the polls to vote and express their preference between Donald Trump and Joe Biden.

The latter has always been ahead in polls, but analysts at JP Morgan say investors should start preparing for a possible victory by the current president.

US elections and markets: for JP Morgan, Trump could win

For strategist Marko Kolanovic, Trump’s odds until some time ago were far from Biden’s. they have shrunk.

And this, it should be noted, also due to the impact on public opinion of protests that have spread to all states. For the expert, if the perception of these passes from being peaceful to violent then there could be a 5 or even 10 point shift in the polls, from Democrats to Republicans.

Also, inaccurate and uncertain answers of some respondents could skew polls in favor of Biden by 5-6%.

“Certainly a lot could happen in the next 60 days and the odds change, but we currently believe that Trump’s momentum will continuewhile most investors are still positioned for a Biden win. “

Much will also depend on the progress of the coronavirus, which could fade as the vote approaches.

According to experts, therefore, at this time, the result of the 2020 American elections is not yet written. Investors should start preparing for unexpected surprises.
