THE REGIONAL SITUATION, TODAY, SEPTEMBER 6, 2020 – Today September 6 in Emilia-Romagna they signed up 124 positive Covid cases (10 less than yesterday, 32,628 cases since the start of the pandemic) of which 60 asymptomatic identified as part of regional contact tracing and detection activities. 10,232 swabs performed with a mean of 1.2 positive swabs per 100. The mean age of new positives from today He is 41 years old.
The control and prevention activity continues: of the 124 new cases, 57 were already in isolation at the time of the swab execution and 56 were identified in the context of known outbreaks. There are 36 new infections related to returns from abroad, for which the Region has provided two nasopharyngeal swabs during fiduciary isolation if they arrive from non-Schengen countries and one swab if they return from Greece, Spain, Croatia and Malta. . The number of return cases from other regions is 18.
In 60 new asymptomatic34 were identified through screenings, tests implemented by the Region and prehospital tests, 22 thanks to the contact tracing activity, while the identification method of 4. As for the situation in the territory, the The highest number of cases is registered in the provinces of Reggio Emilia (20), Modena (17), Ravenna (16), Parma (14) and Forlì (13).
In detail, in the province of Reggio emilia, out of 20 new positives, 8 returned from abroad (Montenegro, Romania, France, Albania, Egypt, Pakistan), 2 returned from other regions (Puglia and Campania), 1 case is related to the outbreak in a nightclub on the Riviera, 6 are contacts of cases linked to family outbreaks, 1 identified with screening in the company, 2 classified as sporadic. In the province of Modena, of 17 new positives, 2 returned from abroad (1 from Ukraine and 1 from Turkey), 9 returned from other regions (3 from Puglia, 5 from Sardinia and 1 from Campania), 3 were identified as contacts of already known cases (all attributable to family outbreaks) and 3 are sporadic.
A Ravenna and province, of 16 new cases, 2 returned from abroad (Morocco and Hungary), 1 returned from Sardinia, 2 were attributable to contacts with already known cases, 10 classified as sporadic (access to emergencies and reports from family doctors) and 1 case detected thanks to pre-hospital screening. In the province of Parma, of 14 new cases, 3 returned from abroad (2 Albania, 1 Ukraine), 4 from other regions (1 from Calabria, 1 from Sardinia and 2 from Tuscany), 2 identified through contact tracing activities, 1 through ‘screening activity (health sector) and 4 sporadic cases. TO Forlì, of 13 new cases, 7 returned from abroad (4 from Romania and 3 from Albania), 2 from Sardinia, 3 related to known outbreaks and 1 sporadic case.
ACTIVE CASES – ME active cases, that’s the number of real patients, to date they are 3,370 (119 more than those registered yesterday).
PEOPLE IN ISOLATION – The people in isolation at home, that is, those with mild symptoms that do not require hospital treatment or have no symptoms, there are a total of 3,232 (115 more than yesterday).
INTENSIVE THERAPY – There are 14 patients in intensive care (+ 2 compared to yesterday), while there are 124 hospitalized in the other rooms of the Covid (+ 2 compared to yesterday).
Cure– The the people recovered were 24,794 (+4).
DEATH – Only one death in all of Emilia-Romagna, in Piacenza.
CASES IN THE REGION BY PROVINCIAL – These are the new cases of positivity in the area, which refer not to the province of residence, but to the one in which the diagnosis was made:
- 6,315 a Bologna and Imola (+13, of which 4 symptomatic)
- 5,451 a Reggio emilia (+20, of which 14 symptomatic)
- 4,856 a Piacenza (+9, of which 3 symptomatic)
- 4,525 a Modena (+17, of which 10 symptomatic)
- 4,021 a Parma (+14, of which 6 symptomatic)
- 2,454 a Rimini (+3, of which 1 symptomatic)
- 1,518 a Ravenna (+16, of which 12 symptomatic)
- 1,277 to Ferrara (+13, of which 4 symptomatic)
- 1,208 to Forlì (+13, of which 5 symptomatic)
- 1,006 to Cesena (+6, of which 5 symptomatic).
Information from Ravenna authorities today, September 6
Through the provincial territory of Ravenna today 16 new cases were registered: 4 asymptomatic and 12 with symptoms, 14 in home isolation and 2 hospitalized, 7 men and 9 women. One case was imported from other regions (Sardinia), 2 cases were imported from abroad (Morocco and Hungary), 2 cases arose as contacts of cases already known in the family, 10 cases arose due to symptoms and one from a swab performed according to the protocol for a patient who was admitted to the hospital for other reasons. There are no deaths or recoveries. General cases diagnosed since the beginning of the infection in the Ravenna area, updated on the morning of todayTherefore, there are 1,518, whose distribution by municipalities is as follows:
- 70 residents outside the province of Ravenna
- 658 Ravenna (+ 6)
- 231 Faenza (+ 3)
- 125 Cervia (+1)
- 105 Lugo (+ 3)
- 69 Russians (+ 3)
- 55 Bagnacavallo
- 38 Alfonsine
- 36 Castelbolognese
- 25 Fusignano
- 21 Cotignola
- 19 Brisighella
- 19 Massa Lombarda
- 17 Solarolo
- 10 Conselice
- 10 Riolo Terme
- 7 Sant’Agata sul Santerno
- 2 Casola Valsenio
- 1 Bagnara