Coronavirus, the update of infections in Palermo and Sicily on September 6, 2020


From 114 to 37. The number of new positives in Sicily drops dramatically. According to the reading of the bulletin of the Ministry of Health, in the last 24 hours 77 cases were registered less than yesterday. Of the 37 new positives, there are 8 migrants.

A decrease that is probably also due to the much smaller quantity of tampons processed by the regional health system. In the last 24 hours, only 2,321 tests were performed compared to 5,273 the day before.

Regarding the province-by-province distribution of the last 37 cases, 6 are in Palermo. Seven in Ragusa, 6 in Syracuse, 5 in Catania, Agrigento and Trapani, 3 in Messina, 0 in Enna and Caltanissetta.

In Sicily there are a total of 86 people hospitalized with symptoms, another 13 are in intensive care (one more than yesterday). On the other hand, 1,235 people are in home isolation (8 less than yesterday). The number of current positives is 1,334. In total, 4,716 cases have been registered in Sicily since the start of the pandemic and 289 people have died. The healed increase now stands at 3,093 (46 more than yesterday).

coronavirus newsletter September 6-2

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As for the coronavirus epidemic in Italy: today’s bulletin, Sunday, September 6, 2020, says that new infections are falling: according to data published by the Ministry of Health, in the last 24 hours there have been 1,297 infections , down from almost 1,700 yesterday. The number of victims was cut in half, 8 today compared to 16 yesterday. However, the number of daily infections remains high. Meanwhile, the debate between experts is on about the possibility that the virus has lost “potency”, while Berlusconi’s conditions remain stable, hospitalized in Milan since Friday after having tested positive for Covid 19.
