Coronavirus, another 60 positives in Puglia and the total exceeds 1,160. One dead in the province of Bari


The positives of coronavirus in Puglia increase again although slightly: they are 60 in the bulletin published by the Region on Sunday, September 6 when 3,358 tests were registered. The cases are divided as follows: 22 in the province of Bari, 4 in the province of Bat and in the province of Brindisi, 12 in the province of Foggia, 14 in the province of Lecce, 4 in the province of Taranto. Current positives in the region amounted to 1,167. There is a victim in the province of Bari.

The general director of Asl Bari, Antonio Sanguedolce explained the positive trend in the following way: “For the 22 new cases it is in particular 15 close contacts related to isolated cases and under surveillance, of another 5 cases that arose during the phase of investigation and tracking in health establishments, a positivity found after an obstetric screening and another after a positive serological test “.


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Of the four positives in Bat 2, they are close contacts of cases registered in recent days, while the other two are under epidemiological investigation by the Department of Prevention.

The director of the ASL of Brindisi, Giuseppe Pasqualone, specified that of the four registered cases “the first one refers to a foreign citizen, who resides in our territory and has just returned to Apulia. Then there are a couple: both have shown mild symptoms For work reasons, he had been in contact with a positive person outside the region. The latest case is that of a woman who had been presenting symptoms for a few days and was subjected to a smear on the advice of her family doctor ”.

Cases in the province of Lecce are on the rise: “There are 14 – said Asl DG Rodolfo Rollo – of which 10 close contacts of already known cases, 3 citizens temporarily present in our province and a resident for whom investigations are being carried out epidemiological. “. There are also many positives in Foggiano:” There are 12 – ASL director Vito Piazzolla specified – These are 4 people identified during the pre-hospital screening activity; 5 close contacts of already known cases; 2 symptomatic people; 1 citizen foreigner present in the provincial territory “.

Even the 4 cases of Taranto must be attributed to subjects whose relatives had already tested positive in recent days. Three patients, all asymptomatic, are constantly and carefully followed by the prevention department through technicians and doctors. “A patient – specified asl dg Stefano Rossi – is hospitalized in the infectious department of Moscati”.
