Masks and spacing as a “nuisance”. The ticket as optional or a little more. Vandalism and arrogance as a way of being. Weapons, drugs and alcohol as “garrison”. A menu that every weekend returns a terrifying metro to Milan, with the trains of the green line – the M2 that runs from the suburbs to the nightlife areas – that become the scene of the crazy incursions of groups of young people that take over the wagons.
On Saturday night, precisely to “prevent crimes” and “counteract the vandalism denounced by very young people in transit,” the state policemen were guarding the Garibaldi metro stop -a stone’s throw from Corso Como-, with colleagues from the III mobile department and canine units.
The police, announced it from via Fatebenefratelli in a note, controlled and identified 261 people, of which 25 turned out to have police records. During the operations, 4 minors were denounced, all Italians, for being in possession of 2 knives, hammers breaking glass and 9.3 grams of marijuana already divided into doses. From the same group, the agents also confiscated 6 bottles of liquor, which were obviously going to be used as “fuel” for the evening.
Another minor, also Italian, is also being investigated, who has seen fit to oppose the police controls and has returned home with a complaint for resistance, threat and insult to a public official. On the other hand, another very young young man – a foreigner – will have to answer for “possession of a firearm” who was also arrested aboard the M2 with an airsoft pistol reproduction of a Glock and without a red cap. During the controls, the police sanctioned 10 children who went in the subway without a mask with a fine of 400 euros each, while the controllers of the ATMs detained 114 people without a ticket.
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The relationship between the Vandals and the M2 is now a historical relationship, dated in time. In the past, fights, assaults and acts of vandalism had been reported several times aboard the convoys. What often ends up in the sights of the very young is especially the last train that brings back the center to the end, on several occasions blocked by the excesses of the boys.