approval for Conte at 62%, then Speranza. Salvini and Meloni are growing


Political polls: approval of Conte at 62%, after Speranza.  Salvini and Meloni are growing

Political pollsHere is the Ipsos poll on leaders (which, it should be noted, is different from the only one on parties). According to Ipsos, satisfaction with the government remains stable at 60%, compared to the previous survey. The taste of Giuseppe Conte it is higher, 62%, although with a negative variation of two points. Immediately after Conte, Minister of Health Roberto Speranza is placed at 37% (-1%). To follow, among the leaders, Giorgia Meloni me Matteo salvini with 36 and 31% (both earn one point), followed by: Dario Franceschini 29% (-1), Luigi di maio 26 (no change), Nicola Zingaretti 25 (-2), Teresa Bellanova 25 (-2), Silvio Berlusconi 24 (+1), Alfonso Bonafede 21 (-1), Vito Crimi 19 (-2) e Matteo renzi 12 (-2).

Healthcare, € 75 billion plan: more than half to the south

Meloni: “Rome was humiliated with the complicity of the government”

President Meloni, Rome has once again disappeared from the radar of the government that has nominated two cities in the north – Milan and Turin – to two important European agencies, strategically promoting the strengthening of an axis in the Northwest. How do you rate this movement? “Without being parochial, every result that Italy achieves is a victory.

