Coronavirus, hope: “First two million vaccines for doctors and the elderly”


Speranza says she is optimistic about the timing, but still urges Italians not to underestimate the virus: “I have never let my guard down. Autumn will not be easy and I think it should be handled with the utmost caution. But I see the light at the end of the tunnel., the goal does not seem so far. The contract with AstraZeneca foresees the first doses of the vaccine at the end of the year ”.

The minister assured the possibility of a new one emergency shutdown, stating that “this government does not want to stop the country again: instead of closing everything, we reopen the schools.”

Just the return to the banks of school represents one of the critical points for emergency management: there are still many doubts to be clarified, from the school grounds to the lack of staff. “We are the only country that will give a mask Surgery every day, “continues Speranza. Eleven million safety devices, distributed free to every student,” from the children of the rich to those of the unemployed. Something beautiful, a demonstration of justice. Rebooting is a community-wide challenge, so campaigning at school is insane. “

Masks that, instead, are rejected by deniers, gathered on Saturday in a march “for freedom and against the health dictatorship imposed by the governments,” in his words. “With more than 35,000 dead in this country, the images of Rome give me chills, I find them unacceptable,” said the minister.

Speranza also talks about the minutes prepared by Scientific Technical Committee, denying the existence of a government plan to control the virus in late February. “It was an ongoing study on possible scenarios. Some lines have been adopted and others have not. But for us, transparency is a strong point, we have never secreted any act: the confidentiality restriction was decided by the CTS.”

On government tenure even after regional electionsThe minister does not seem worried instead: “It is not a vote for the government and Conte is certainly not campaigning. Governing the country together and being divided into the territories is a limit and must be absolute, an entity surpassed. But I hope that he loses them. voters are better than us and do at the polls what we had not been able to do before ”.
