Rome, September 6, 2020 – The Vaccine for coronavirus should be free and the first doses, around 2 or 3 million, which could also arrive before the end of the year, should first go to health workers and the elderly with pathologies, in particular at the RSA. And what it says the Minister of Health Roberto Speranza to the Corriere della Sera. Autumn – he emphasizes – will not be easy and must be handled with the utmost caution. Despite the growth in the number of infections, the minister, as Premier Conte had done yesterday, excludes the possibility of resorting to new lock: “It is not our intention to stop the country again. We have invested many resources and strengthened the National Health Service. We did not close, rather we reopen schools.” There are all conditions for back to school in September “for sure”. The guidelines approved unanimously with the Regions, Provinces and Municipalities “tell us what to do in the presence of positives or outbreaks. The country still has to move forward and the reopening of the school is the most important thing.” The minister would like to stop speculating on the issue for political purposes: “Enough with the electoral campaign in the school. The reopening is a great challenge for the entire national community – he emphasizes -. It is a message for the country. We must regain national momentum. we have made it possible to get through the most difficult months. ” Coming to the minutes of the Scientific Technical Committee Declassified, Speranza reiterates that they did not contain a secret government plan on the Covid emergency but “an ongoing study on possible and different scenarios, initiated by our scientists in mid-February and completed in March.” That document “has never been classified by the government, the confidentiality bond was chosen by the CTS.”
Coronavirus, the newsletter for September 5. The data and the table
Cacciari and Covid: now let’s come back to life. “Fear kills”
Anesthesiologists’ Warning
Meanwhile, the posture of Alessandro Vergallo, national president of Aaroi-Emac (Association of Italian hospital resuscitators): “The epidemic curve is increasing, as is the number of people admitted to intensive care. And the patients with Covid-19 who are hospitalized in these wards they are no less serious than those that arrived in March or AprilVergallo insists. “We are not convinced by what some have said in recent months that the virus has become less aggressive. The epidemic curve is rising, as are ICU cases, which have a lower average age. Fortunately, we are far from the red alert level of the months of March and April, thanks – he points out – to social containment “.
Berlusconi, Zangrillo: “Delicate phase, but regular course”
March, 20 new positives
In the last 24 hours in the Marks 20 new positives. 1,341 swabs were tested: 807 on the new diagnostic pathway and 534 on the cured pathway. The new cases are 11 in the province of Pesaro Urbino, 5 in the province of Ascoli Piceno, 3 in the province of Macerata and 1 in the province of Ancona.
Umbria, 26 other infections
Another 26 new cases of Covid positivity have been detected in Umbria, bringing the total to 1,916. Stable at 15 hospitalized in hospitals in Perugia and Terni, two in intensive care.
South Tyrol, 7 new cases
Of the 554 swabs examined in the last 24 hours in South Tyrol, 7 gave a positive result thus raising the number of people infected with Covid-19 to 3,003 since the beginning of the pandemic. The death toll, 292, has been stagnant for more than three months. There are 8 Covid patients hospitalized in hospitals in South Tyrol, two of them need intensive care treatment.
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