Matteo Salvini is convinced that he will make a complete booty to the next Regionals to give a further push to the Government, which in his opinion will not last for the entire legislature. “I hope this government does not. We are taking advantage of this period of opposition to work, expand and study ”, says the leader of the Northern League at the Ambrosetti Forum in Cernobbio.
“This country runs the risk of dying of indecision. There cannot be one in government who says yes and one who says no. I hope that Italy will decide again. Let the country choose someone who will take responsibility for choosing, ”says the former Interior Minister, who gives the example of the school and the university. “Azzolina and Manfredi are two ghosts, we are arguing about everything,” says Salvini. “It is chaos, and I say it with regret, we are the only ones in Europe who have not given certainty to students and teachers. Who does not give certainty is a government of talkers ”. According to Salvini, “the harm that can be done to future generations is not choosing today for the future. What I attribute to the majority of the current government is a dramatic lack of decision ”.
There are also no defined positions on industrial issues, much loved by the Cernobbio public. Like the steel industry, Ilva at the helm: “Italy cannot do without
of steel. And the presence of steel must be compatible with the health of people. Green – explains Salvini – is fine but you have to accompany it. It must be incorporated into the productive activity of the country with intelligence ”. Or like the infrastructures: “In Genoa we built the bridge but the Gronda is still. Standing at the table of the Minister of Transport, standing for fights, ”says the leader of the Northern League. Or also: “My ambition is that whoever built the Genoa bridge will also build the bridge over the Strait in 5 years, a budget of 4 billion euros, all in charge of individuals.” And then, in the single network, “a role of the French is welcome, I am a liberal. The barrier I put up is in Chinese investments: it is a dictatorship, there is no freedom of expression or business. Every penny of a euro that the Chinese invest in sensitive infrastructure must be weighed and, in certain cases, blocked. It is unacceptable that Italy at the European level is seen as the outpost or the Trojan horse of the Chinese dictatorship ”.