He tried to save his brother who had fallen into a silo: Francesco also died


For three days he had been fighting between life and death in the Savigliano hospital, in the Cuneo area, but his heart did not hold and stopped beating. Francesco Gennero was 25 years old and was hospitalized in an irreversible coma, after heroically trying to save his younger brother Davide, 22, who had fallen into a silo of the family business in Cavallermaggiore, also in the Cuneo area. A gesture that unfortunately did not help: both died from gas fumes from the shredded corn.

The silos of the Cavallermaggiore farm, in the Cuneo area
The silos of the Cavallermaggiore farm, in the Cuneo area


The tragedy, according to an initial reconstruction, occurred within moments in the early hours of Thursday. The two brothers were busy inspecting a silo, some forty meters high. David was probably leveling the corn cutting the day before when he passed out and collapsed. Francesco, when the dramatic situation happened, did not think for a second and tried to help his brother. The father of the two young men, owner of one of the historic estates in the Savigliano plain, realized what was happening and immediately raised the alarm. For Davide there was immediately nothing for the rescuers to do while Francesco Gennero was transported in very serious condition to the hospital where he died today.

The plague

Unfortunately, fatal occupational accidents in the agricultural sector remain a serious problem today and have a higher share than in the industrial and services sector (74% for agriculture and 70% for industry). According to provisional data for 2019, provided by Inail, there was a significant increase in fatal events (+ 15.3%). The most affected region – read the report prepared by Inail for 2019 – is Puglia with 24 cases (16.7% of the total) due to the two multiple accidents in Foggia and Lesina that cost the lives of 16 farmers. Emilia Romagna follows with 20 cases (13.9%) and, if we also consider Tuscany (9.0% of the total), Sicily (8.3%) and Veneto (6.9%), it goes beyond the threshold of 50 percent of all fatal accidents. On the other hand, it is in these regions where agriculture has a greater development on a national scale. In 95.8 percent of cases, men lose their lives (138 cases, but -18.8% compared to 2014). The risks to which agricultural entrepreneurs are subjected are many and range from the classic and attributable to the exercise of agricultural activity (location in disadvantaged and potentially risky territories due to unevenness and unevenness, use of agricultural equipment and machinery that require adequate training , etc.) to those derived from the use of chemical products with dangerous toxicological profiles. According to the Agr Agroalimentario Observatory, many small businesses operate in the Italian agricultural system, in which almost the entire workforce can be assigned to the family perimeter of the agricultural entrepreneur who, very often, is in an advanced phase of the life cycle.

September 6, 2020 (change September 6, 2020 | 11:05 am)

