
Take pencil and paper Matteo salviniand write a letter to Corriere della Sera, published on the cover of the Sunday 6 September edition: “Dear editor, I am writing to you after waiting – in vain – for the government’s responses on the secret study on the effects of Covid in Italy. A study publicly confirmed by an executive of the Ministry of Health on April 21 and that dates back to the first weeks of 2020, while other declassified minutes bring out more disturbing details about emergency management“, said the leader of the League. In short, he wants clarity on the options of Giuseppe Conte. Choices that appear to have been wrong.

At the Palazzo Chigi they had alarming elements about the consequences of the Covid in our country, but the prime minister assumed the enormous responsibility of not sharing information officially even with regional presidents“Salvini stresses.” We know how it ended: a dramatic shortage of gloves, gowns, masks and respirators that in the emergency phase it was the task of the central government to find, not the individual Regions. “The Northern League then recalls how the government” did not say a word about the secret study, not a justification, an answer. ”
“The latest declassified minutes reveal a series of errors and recounting the furious disputes between the experts and the commissioner Domenico Arcuri, who despite too many delays and blunders was chosen to address the issue of reopening schools alongside a clearly inadequate minister as Lucia azzolina. The government can no longer be silent: we will ask to inform Parliament ”, insinuates Salvini. And again: “Given that the executive had a confidential study on the effects of the virus, why didn’t he share the information with other institutional interlocutors? Why didn’t you immediately find masks, gowns, and respirators, but instead shipped tons of them to China? Why did you ignore CTS’s suggestions for red zones? Because, on February 21, the premier declared everything is under control?“Very heavy questions, which currently have no answer.

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Salvini concludes by recalling how “there is also a request for truth and transparency you need answers. The government and the majority, on the other hand, are concerned about the electoral law and terrified by the outcome of the regional elections. “The government must explain, in front of Parliament and the whole country, why it has kept silent about the risks