In principle, the decisions already taken with the previous decree of August 10 were confirmed last. All those returning from countries considered at risk must undergo tests. The mask should always be used indoors and outdoors when it is not possible to maintain a distance of one meter
The novelty is the 80% capacity rule for public transport, a provision decided after a long dispute with the Regions also in view of the reopening of schools. The confirmations refer to the obligation of a tampon for those returning from countries considered at risk and masks to always use in public places indoors and outdoors if it is not possible to respect the distance of one meter between people. These are the main contents of the new Dpcm on the Coronavirus emergency (UPDATES – SPECIAL), according to Corriere e Repubblica, which extends the prohibitions already set on August 10 and which comes into effect from Monday, September 7.
The concession to international couples
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The only concession with respect to the previous decree, as Corriere writes, refers to international couples, who cannot be seen for some time because of the anti-contagion restrictions. Those who are abroad, in fact, will be able to enter Italy to reach “the person with whom they maintain a stable emotional relationship even if they do not live together.”
Club and stadium bans confirmed
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In addition to the obligation of masks and tampons for those who return from countries at risk, the ordinance launched immediately after August 15, which imposed the closure of discos and ordered “the obligation from 18 to 6 to use street protections.” breathing even in the open air, in the spaces belonging to places and premises open to the public as well as in public spaces (squares, open spaces, streets) where, due to the physical characteristics, it is easier to form gatherings, even spontaneous or occasional ” For the moment, football matches and all other sporting events remain behind closed doors.