It remains obligation of pads and masks, the text of the new Dpcm


The obligation to wear a mask indoors and outdoors has been confirmed if the distance of one meter between people cannot be guaranteed. As well as the obligation to undergo a swab for those who return from the 16 “at risk” countries. While the capacity of public transport (after the long tug of war with the Regions also in view of the reopening of schools) has risen to 80 percent. These are the main contents of the new Dpcm that expands the prohibitions set on August 10. The decree goes into effect on Monday, September 7.

However, the Prime Minister’s decree to limit infections does not provide for any relaxation for the public of sporting events. “In the stadium the encounter is inevitable: inappropriate encounter the inauguration”, said Conte himself, rejecting the requests of the clubs. “We can face the autumn with confidence – the prime minister added – we will no longer be in a position to arrange a generalized confinement, if things go wrong we can intervene with very circumscribed measures at the territorial level.”

Even with regard to masks, the regulations do not change: it is mandatory to wear them (excluding children under 6 years of age and the disabled) in closed places open to the public, including vehicles, and in any case when the distance. The new rules on public transport have been confirmed, whose maximum capacity is set at 80 per cent of seats (even for those traveling on foot) while school buses will be able to travel full as long as children do not stay on board for more than fifteen minutes.

He also confirmed the obligation (set by Minister Speranza on August 12) to undergo a swab for those who were in Croatia, Greece, Spain and Malta in the previous 14 days: you can only enter Italy with a negative test that has less than 72 hours. Or you have to do a swab at the airport, port or border within 48 hours of arrival; the third possibility is to go to do it in the ASL or in the drive-ins available in the area, remaining, until that moment, in fiduciary isolation. The ordinance launched immediately after August 15 with which the Minister of Health prohibited dancing in public places and imposed the obligation to wear a mask even outdoors, in nightlife places where it is easier to create gatherings, since 18 at 6 am.

As for the matches, the idea shared by the health ministers of several EU countries is to wait for the contagion curve to stabilize before reopening the stadiums to the public.
