Berlusconi hospitalized for coronavirus: second night in a quiet hospital


«Quiet night and normal clinical course»For the former prime minister Silvio Berlusconi, hospitalized in San Raffaele in Milan after having tested positive for Covid-19 with the beginning of bilateral pneumonia. Adnkronos learns of this from sources within Forza Italia. Everything is progressing regularly, the leader of Forza Italia does not have a fever, reports the Ansa agency. On the afternoon of Saturday, September 5, the new update bulletin on his health status was published: “The patient’s clinical status remains stable – says Alberto Zangrillo, head of the General and Cardiovascular Intensive Care Unit of the Irccs San Raffaele hospital Milan – “The respiratory and clinical picture confirms a regular and expected course, leading to cautious but reasonable optimism.”

The previous bulletin, of Friday, September 4, had already given a fairly accurate picture of the situation. Words of Alberto Zangrillo: “The positivity was found in an asymptomatic person” and then added “in a situation of absolute tranquility I detected a slight pulmonary affectation”. For this reason, Berlusconi was hospitalized, given his previous clinical picture and his age, which “require absolute caution.”

Meanwhile, outside the San Raffaele appeared a banner signed by Curva Davide Pieri: «Come on Silvio !!! Monza awaits you to win together … », he says in red and black. But Berlusconi is attacked with affection and wishes for a speedy recovery from all sides. The first Minister Giuseppe ConteOn the sidelines of an event, he says that he called him the night he found out about the hospitalization: “A short, very cordial and courteous phone call,” he defines. And regarding De Benedetti’s comments, he says: When a person is hospitalized, one abstains from such considerations. And then this Maurizio Costanzo, who, interviewed by La Stampa, adds: «Those who have their character must also deceive Covid. I want to advise you not to give up even for a second. He never gave up in life. He can be criticized a lot, but even the most staunch enemies recognize his tenacity and determination.

September 5, 2020 (change September 5, 2020 | 15:42)

