in Catania the new positives are 14


Coronavirus, 114 new cases in Sicily and 54 recovered patients: 45 infections in Palermo

Another 114 cases of coronavirus on the island, 14 of which in the Catania area. The number of infections is increasing in Sicily where, according to the bulletin issued today by the Ministry of Health, 5,273 tampons were processed. There are 54 recovered and one death in the Ragusa area, bringing the total number, since the beginning of the pandemic until today, to 289. The other infections refer to Trapani (37), Messina (11), Palermo (45 ), Caltanissetta (2), Enna (3) and Ragusa (2). Both the number of hospitalized patients with symptoms, which increased to 88, and the number of patients in intensive care, which reached 12, marked +1.

The number of subjects in home isolation increased from 1,186 to 1,243. The total number of cases reached 4,679. Among the latest data indicated in the bulletin, the 281,041 cases analyzed in total and the total number of swabs, 370,480 are highlighted. Of the 114 new infections, 10 are migrants from the motor ship Allegra.

Coronavirus Infection Bulletin September 5, 2020-2

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