Giuseppe Conte: “I will vote yes in the referendum on the reduction of parliamentarians”


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Giuseppe Conte at the Festa del Fatto Quotidiano

“I will vote yes.” The prime minister says it clearly in the Fatto Quotidiano party, speaking of the referendum on the cut of parliamentarians. Reducing the number, the Prime Minister continued, “does not affect the functionality of Parliament.”

The regional will not affect the government. On the same day the referendum will be voted, there will also be elections for governors in some regions. Whatever happens, says the prime minister, nothing will change for the executive: “I see the forces of the majority in difficulty: we have a united center-right, on the other hand we have forces that support the majority that go in no particular order. This data must be taken into account, it is an unequal fight ”. Still:
“I believe that the regional is not going to have an impact on the government, it is a different context, we cannot abandon the recovery fund.”

Draghi’s hug. Then a reference to the former president of the ECB: “I would have seen Draghi very well as president of the European Commission and had started to work on it with some European colleagues but he told me that he was tired and wanted to rest a bit, I think he takes it out to collation. in vain. “And again:” Draghi I think that when he is invoked, he pulls his jacket. I do not see him as a rival. He is a person of value, an excellence expressed by the country in the roles he has covered. “

On Mattarella: “Impeccable, I would see an encore very well”. The prime minister also speaks of the head of state. And it opens a second term for Mattarella: “If I have to express a personal opinion, I believe that President Mattarella is playing his role impeccably, with great balance and wisdom. As I progress, I appreciate more and more the qualities, as a solid person. If the conditions existed to accept a second term … I would see it very well ”.

Against without masks. The prime minister talks about the demonstration called for today in Rome: “We want to manage a pandemic that is still ongoing. Today there is a demonstration in Rome of people who think it does not exist. We answer them with figures: more than 274 thousand infected and 35 thousand dead. Point”.

Telecommunications: “Unique network in 3-4 years”. “The only network will be a
Open and inclusive infrastructure: we want everyone to participate in a project that I want to be carried out in three or four years, ”said the premier. “In the Italian recovery plan it is very important to pursue the specific objective of the ultra-wideband as soon as possible. Tim is on the list, but he found the government’s project compelling, “he concluded.

Alitalia: “We want to rationalize, but the unions do not be alarmed.” About the national airline, the premier said: “We also laid the foundations with a new management for a newco that is no longer a state car. The CEO and President are valuable people. We want to streamline, rationally, in some branches and sectors, I do not want to alarm the unions. We must proceed quickly. “
