Another day of the fight against the coronavirus in Lombardy, overwhelmed in February by what regional leaders have repeatedly called an atomic bomb.
On Saturday 5 September, according to the bulletin published by the Lombardy region at 4.30 pm, there are 388 new positives out of 23,409 swabs, with a positive percentage of 1.65%. Of these, 65 are “weakly positive” and 18 were detected after serological tests. There is a slight increase compared to Friday, when the infected had been fewer but with more tampons: 337 of more than 27 thousand.
Those healed and discharged increase by 134 in the last 24 hours: 1,316 are discharged and 75,392 are healed in total. Intensive care patients have dropped 3 units – now there are 23 – while there is a new hospitalization in ordinary wards, which currently house 245 people. One death on the last day, with the tragic balance of 16,887 deaths since the beginning of the epidemic.
In the city of Milan, there are 112 new cases, while 184 positives have been discovered throughout the metropolitan city.
“The virus is still running”
With the beginning of the “new normal”, and especially with the return of vacationers, the threshold of care has become very high because for a few days infections and hospitalizations have been growing steadily, but fortunately very slowly. The situation, it must be pointed out, remains calm and a long way from the “tsunami” of March and April, but the daily bulletins from the Lombardy region undoubtedly highlight an upward curve.
Precisely for this reason, in recent days the Lombard welfare councilor, Giulio Gallera, urged everyone not to lower their guard because the virus “still runs a lot” and asked all citizens not to “relax” excessively.
The case of the school
Another good “stress test” for Lombardy will be back to school. The private kindergartens have already opened and the municipal structures will open from Monday, then it will be in the hands of the older students. The controversy, however, is not lacking.
It was the Lombard pediatricians who denounced the difficulties that we run the risk of encountering with the reopening of schools, according to the regulations – defined as “inadequate and cumbersome” – on the emergency and prevention of covid. The position was assumed by Simpef, the union of family pediatricians, with its national secretary Rinaldo Missaglia, who sent a series of documents to both the Ministry of Health and the Department of Social Welfare of Lombardy.
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The controversial norm is that relating to health certificates for returning to school, as well as attestations of compliance by parents with anti-covid-19 procedures, which family pediatricians must issue to their patients. “The issuance of these certifications – some pediatricians wrote – has an absolute risk of non-compliance with the medico-legal norms to which every professional should be able to refer ethically. In the absence of diagnostic or at least anamnestic tools that allow us to affirm the absence in science and the awareness of contagion of the subject to whom we provide assistance, the required certification – they emphasized – cannot be issued in accordance with ethically correct practice ”.