“We are the people”, “Murderous criminal governments”, “Freedom”: these are just some of the slogans of the coronavirus deniers, who took to the streets in Rome to protest against what they call a “health dictatorship.” The protesters, a few hundred mostly without masks, gathered in Horse’s mouth. The non-mask crowd is quite varied: they range from Forza Nuova members to ex-hairpins, but the general’s orange vests are missing. Antonio Pappalardo, who said: “There aren’t any. We won’t be there. Just associate the orange vests with fascists and violent people.”
Some of the protesters intervened on the stage set up for the occasion, illuminating the crowd present with absurd theories about the virus and vaccines. “We are not deniers, we deny nothing but the strategy of terror that has been carried out in recent months. They were wrong to treat them intimidating people and by condemning them to death, you are murderers ”, was one of the first interventions.
But it is in vaccines where the cusp of madness is reached: “They put sewer water in there“We heard one of the protesters say amidst the applause of those present. The former deputy grillina also participates in the protest as no vax Sara Cunial. But he is not the only illustrious of the event. With her also the regional councilor Davide barillari, another old 5S, the anti-Bergoglio Carlo Maria Viganò and the singer Povia.
Meanwhile, shortly before the start of the protest, the secretary of the Democratic Party Nicola Gypsies intervened on Twitter asking to cancel the demonstration: “Stop the #negationists! Respect the victims, the families, the health workers, the sacrifices of the Italians. Covid does not refuse, it is fought. I ask all politics to distance yourself from this madness! “