Without a mask, Covid deniers and far right in Rome. Esperanza: “Seeing a square of deniers makes me tremble”


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Deniers, extreme right, he “Mothers people” and so taxi drivers me hoteliers. me “Without mask”, who believe that the fight against coronavirus is a “Health dictatorship” and the “Fake Covid News”, they met in piazza Rome, in front of Horse’s mouth, at 4 p.m. After trying to hold the manifestation a Piazza del Popolo, the organizers waited approx. 2 thousand people in the garrison. However, according to the Police Headquarters, there are about 1500 participants. The Minister of Health, Roberto Speranza, from Potenza, comments: “See one deniers square sincerely makes you shiver “.

Similar demonstrations against the masks had already been seen in the squares of Sedan me London. “The fundamental rules – added the minister – the bezel and spacer they must be truly respected by all. The country is united in this challenge. “Then he recalled the 35 thousand deaths from coronavirus: “Italy has paid a very high price, also in terms of human lives. The world and all of Europe are still in a very difficult situation ”.

Tricolor flags, photos of Donald Trump and a large banner waved in the square. “We are people“. Among the slogans chanted by the square ‘without a mask'”Do not touch children “ it’s true. “A protester set fire to a photo of Pope Francis. There was no lack of insults to the Government, whistles for the President of the Republic. On stage, the interventions played the more disparate themes: gives alleged medical errors, vaccines, from the mutation of the earth’s electromagnetic field to microchips. the No vax and the opponents of the 5G: “We are at war and those who are declaring it to us do not forgive anyone,” reads one of the social pages dedicated to the event to which a motley people, with a lot of extreme right from Forza nuova to the old hairpins up Orange vests. The host also joined the meeting Eleonora Brigliadori, the former M5S MP Sara cunial and the Roman leader of Forza Nuova Giuliano Castellino. Although the assembly was born as a meeting ‘without a mask’, several people, especially the elderly, decided to wear a mask: “Prevention is better than cure,” they explained to journalists. “Just because I’m here today doesn’t mean I have to risk getting sick,” added one lady. Images of the crowd will be analyzed by scientific police to “verify any breach” of the current rules on spacing and mask, which will then be sanctioned.

Against the rally, which should last until the 20th, has arrived the appeal much of politics. The first Minister Giuseppe Conte, during the intervention in Daily reality partysaid: “We want to manage one pandemic in progress. Today there is a demonstration in Rome of people who think it does not exist. We respond with i numbers”he replied referring to 35,518 dead from the beginning of the emergency.

The Governor of Lazio and Secretary of the Democratic Party, Nicola Zingaretti: “Stop the deniers! The event is a error. You still have time to cancel it. Respect victims, families, health professionals, I sacrifices Italians. “Covid” does not refuse, it fights, “he added, asking” all politics to stay away from this madness “.

The chancellor, Luigi Di Maio, also follows the same line: “They talk about war war deniers have to do to State against these measures, against mask. But I answer that this is the war we fight Winter and we lost in the field tens of thousands of Italians whose relatives continue to cry ”. So the former political leader of the M5 addresses the deniers directly: “I ask that they bring at least respect for the relatives of the dead ”.

Monument to the coronavirus

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