Liguria. There are 95 new positives in Liguria, according to the data sent by Alisa to the ministry. Of these, 4 swabs refer to the Asl 2 territory: one is linked to an RSA, the other three to detection. Up to 45 are those linked to the La Spezia cluster, born from a party organized by some citizens in reference to the Dominican community.
Based on the trend of infections in recent days and in the last hours, and for precautionary reasons to contain the pandemic, the Liguria Region has been established to issue an ordinance that imposes the obligation to wear a mask in the Municipality from La Spezia, not only for 18, but always 24 hours, from today until the end of September 13. The decision after a meeting with the Councilor for Health Viale, the extraordinary commissioner of Alisa Walter Locatelli, the epidemiological group that follows the region and the mayor of La Spezia Peracchini. “A slight measure, we extend an obligation that already exists – says the president of the Liguria Region Giovanni Toti – we could have applied more measures but we do not want to harass a territory beyond what is indispensable.”
“There are 61 hospitalized, 7 more than yesterday, with 6 intensive therapies of which 5 in La Spezia – explains the president of the Region Giovanni Toti, illustrating the new ordinance and today’s bulletin – most of the cases treated in the hospitals do not cause concern but it is obvious that much of the pressure on hospital health care is concentrated in La Spezia, that is why Alisa has also strengthened the prevention office, sending ASL 4 personnel, who do not have critical problems in progress ” .
The swabs performed in the last 24 hours were 2,697, bringing the total to 249,281. In the Savona area there are currently 198 cases, of which 4 are hospitalized and 302 people are under active surveillance. A new death was registered, after that of an 88-year-old La Spezia, in fact two days ago: also in this case the patient who died of Covid is an 89-year-old citizen of La Spezia.
“The signal we wanted to give is the maximum attention of the regional health system on the trend of Covid 19 cases – says the Councilor for Health Sonia Viale – recalling that the system is very busy with a view to reopening schools, but without neglect these new clusters, even if they are limited. “