Coronavirus, covid newsletter today September 5. In Emilia Romagna 134 infections


Bologna, September 5, 2020 – Once again, more cases than yesterday. am 134 new infections of coronavirus confirmed in the last hours in Emilia Romagna, which now remains constantly above one hundred new infections per day (yesterday there were 126). There’s also A victim in the province of Reggio Emilia. Today there are 57 cases of refoulement: 41 are people who have just returned from abroad and 16 from other Italian regions.

The ministry newsletter for Italy

The September 5th Newsletter

Bologna continues to be the most affected province with 24 cases, followed by Modena (21), Ravenna (15), Ferrara (14), Parma (11), Reggio Emilia (11) and Forlì (16). Numbers to two digits, therefore, in almost all our provinces. Of the 134 new cases, 38 are asymptomatic and the age has increased slightly again: today it is 38 years. The number of tampons processed: 10,066 whose Add to 2,663 serological tests.

The contagion map

Here’s how the 134 new cases break down: 4,847 a Piacenza (+2, of which 1 symptomatic), 4,007 to Parma (+11, of which 2 symptomatic), 5,432 to Reggio emilia (+11, of which 7 symptomatic), 4,508 years Modena (+21, of which 8 symptomatic), 5,780 to Bologna (+24, of which 17 symptomatic), 519 cases a Imola (+5, of which 1 symptomatic), 1,264 to Ferrara (+14, of which 7 symptomatic), 1,502 years Ravenna (+15, of which 6 symptomatic), 1,195 to Forlì (+16, of which 7 symptomatic), 1,000 years Cesena (+9, of which 4 symptomatic) and 2,451 years Rimini (+6, of which 2 symptomatic).

Bologna, sick registry

In the province of Bologna of 24 new positives, 6 returned from other regions (4 from Sardinia, 1 from Campania and 1 from the Bolzano province), 5 from abroad (4 from Ukraine and 1 from France), 7 cases are attributable to known outbreaks and 6 referred to sporadic cases.

Modena 21 cases

A Modena and province, of 21 new positives, 9 were identified by tracking known cases, mostly family outbreaks, 7 new cases are returning from abroad (3 from Spain, 2 from Morocco, 1 from Ukraine and 1 from Holland), 3 returning from other regions (1 from Sardinia, 1 from Puglia, 1 from Veneto) and 2 sporadic cases.

Forlì 16

A Forlì, of 16 new cases, 6 are related to two known outbreaks, 4 identified through contact tracing, 2 due to the presence of symptoms, 1 case of return from Ukraine, 1 from Sardinia and the last 2 are contacts of a positive person who has always returned from Sardinia.

Ravenna 15

A Ravenna and province, of 15 new cases, 6 arose as contacts of cases already known in the family, 4 returned from other regions (2 Sardinia, 1 Puglia and 1 Veneto), 3 from abroad (2 Romania and 1 Macedonia), 1 sporadic case and 1 identified thanks to the swab performed in the emergency room.

Ferrara 14

In the province of Ferrara of 14 positives, 9 returned from abroad (5 from France, 3 from Albania and 1 from Morocco), 1 returned from Sardinia, 3 with symptoms and 1 identified thanks to contact tracing.

Reggio 11

In the province of Reggio emilia, of 11 new positives, 3 have returned from abroad (1 from Romania, 1 from Ukraine and 1 from India), 1 from Sardinia, 3 are contacts of family outbreaks, 3 sporadic cases, 1 linked to the outbreak of a disco in the Riviera . All cases are in home isolation.

Parma 11

In the of Parma, of 11 new cases, 6 returned from abroad (2 from Albania, 2 from Romania, 1 from Morocco and 1 from India), 2 were identified through screening, another 2 through serological screening (1 of which in the school sector) and 1 case of the presence of symptoms.

Hospitalizations and cures

me active cases am 3,251 (62 more than those registered yesterday). People in isolate the house there are 3,117 (55 more than yesterday), 95% of active cases. Patients in intensive care is 12 (-1 compared to yesterday), while and 122 hospitalized in other Covid departments (8 more than yesterday). Persons heal am 71 more than yesterday

Coronavirus and schools

All this while there are very few days left for students to return to (individual) desks: a fact that worries experts not a little between the increase in the use of public transport and possible infections in the classrooms. In Bologna, 70 new classrooms are being created pavilion 34 of the fair (PHOTO) me signed by the super architect Mario Cucinella. There, as of September 14, they will stay 1,600 students of three secondary schools in the city.

Contagions Italy

The curve of the pandemic is uphill almost everywhere: today the Marks have registered practically twice as many infections as yesterday. And at the Italian level the panorama does not change, yesterday there were 1,733 new cases and they were registered 11 victims. “Yesterday the news of the registration of the number of infected was given because there was a correspondent record number of buffers“- Premier Conte explained today -” I don’t know that this happened in other countries. ” Italians reveal ourselves as responsible. The intention is to increase the number of controls and prepare for specific interventions “, says the Prime Minister, underlining that” we have a high monitoring system and that we can face the autumn with confidence, without a new lock“.

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